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This man secretly listens to rap music  and you cant fucking tell me other wise.


You can't tell me that he doesn't like the color purple.

When your sitting on his lap he bounces his leg.

He dosent want to admit it but he loves you more than his guitar.










His favorite thing you call him is "handsome"and "pretty boy"

He dosent have a kink. But you.....yes.yes you do.

He LOVES your stretch marks like LOVESSSSS

Hickeys all over your body to remind you that your his.

Always top.unless you ride him.
(I am so sorry)

He will baby you when your on your period.

He always finds you in his hoodies when your sleeping when he comes back to his trailer.

His clothes are huge on you.

Your hands are like half the size of his.

He actually has muscles.and you cant tell me he dosent.

I dont really know what to put for this one yall

Eddie Munson ♡headcanons/one Shots♡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora