small treasurer's

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This is just hc of what would be in each other's rooms that is each other's stuff


Eddie definitely has a bra or two in his room of your but it's just incase you come over.

Eddie had one of your necklaces and got really pissed when he lost it and even cried a little.

Has your perfume in his room and sprays it all over his room.

If you wear rings he 100% has atleast 1 that he wears each day,and the guys will ask him about it when he goes to school.

He definitely has one,or two,maybe 3... probably 4.... 100%5... of your shirts.

He has random polaroids of you.


You have one of Eddie's guitar picks and you have made it to were you can wear it as a bracelet.

You have random polaroids of him.

Definitely has more than 5 of his shirts in your closet.that you have stole.

He has made you a hellfire shirt that is cropped.

You have 1 of his rings.

Yall this is so short I'm sorry I have no idea what else to put for this one.Am I missing anything?????♡A/n Out♡

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