On your period

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These are js little hc of what Eddie would do when your on your period.

Always matches your attitude if your sassy

He is not afraid of period sex
"It's just blood love."
And he learned that "period sex can help cramps."
But he will obviously not pressure you into doing anything.

If you and him take a shower together he'll take his time with you.

Also when you take a shower he will just hold you while the water runs down your bodys.

Sometimes you can be in a very good mood and your just very giggly and happy.And when you are Eddie finds it so cute.

He always feels so bad when you cry because of cramps.

Eddie will buy stuff for you like pads and tampons and leaves them in the bathroom closet for you because your over there so much.

Always says:

"I hate that you have to go through this baby."

"If I could take all your pain away and put it on me I so would."

"Your so strong my love."

"How are you not dead by now?"

Sometimes you can get really horny and you will end up giving him head.

Most times your back or legs hurt so he will give you a massage every day.

Sometimes you will go off on him for no reason and then when you realize what you guys did you will apologize 100 times and tell him how much your sorry as you cry onto his chest while he holds you

He knows he didn't do anything wrong and neither did you and he knows it's just from your emotions while being on your period.

Short asf but it's wtv

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