Texting Eddie pt.2 Imagine

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🤘.hey baby.

❤.What's wrong?

🤘.nothing why?

❤.you ended your text in . If u do that it either means u did something. Or you want something.

🤘.well I do want something.


🤘.can u come over.

❤.I suppose I can

🤘. Great, I was hoping we could cuddle and watch a movie or two.

❤.yeah sure I mean it is friday night


❤.u feel like theres something you need to tell me.

🤘.nothing other than,I love u Princess.

❤. I love u too
❤.when do u want me to come over?

🤘.right now

❤.ok give me 20 minutes

🤘.20 WHY 20

❤well it takes me 8 minuets to get there. And I need to get dressed and stuff.

🤘.were not going anywhere just where what ur wearing right now.

❤.ok fine I'll be there in 10.

🤘.ok bye love u

❤.love u too baby<3


Eddie Munson ♡headcanons/one Shots♡Where stories live. Discover now