Goodnight and Goodbye

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"Alora what are you doing here?" Cillian was looking at me with wide eyes.

I wanted to scream at him. I wanted to swing at him. I wanted to cry. I didn't know how to feel. I didn't know what to do. He was standing right there. I had only ever felt this level of betrayal from my dad's actions in the past. Cillian has pulled a lot of shit during our relationship but never did I expect to end up in a bed with another girl because I refused to come over. Boyfriends weren't meant to be shared so why was mine throwing himself at a girl that wasn't me?

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I pushed him. "What the fuck went through your head?" I shoved him harder. "After everything I gave up for you, this is how you repay me?" To say I was fuming was an understatement.

He kept quiet. He stood there looking guilty, but how could he feel guilty when he knew what he was doing?

"Where is she?" He looked up his stairs and I took that as my sign to go up.

"Alora don't go up there. Please don't be mad at her. She doesn't know that you and I are still together..." he was quiet but not quiet enough for me to miss what he said.

I quickly spun around, "Oh my god Cillian she doesn't know?" I was in denial of what I was hearing, "That innocent girl up there doesn't know what you just made her do? She doesn't know that she just helped you cheat on me?"

"Alora I'm sorry. I'm drunk I'm not thinking straight..." his eyes still shone with that same amount of guilt as before.

"Fuck off with that bullshit Cillian. I don't want to hear it. Being drunk doesn't justify anything," I sat down on his staircase trying to take everything in.

I was broke out of my thoughts when I heard a girl speak up from behind me, "Cillian what's going on?" I turned around to be met with her face. God, she was gorgeous but her eyes hid some sort of fear behind them, "Cillian who is she?" She asked.

"Liv this is girlfriend," Her eyes opened wide and her jaw dropped.

"You told me you were told me you and her broke up a while ago. Oh my god Cillian what did you make me do? Alora I'm sorry I didn't know. Holy shit Alora I'm so sorry," She plopped down on a few stairs above me and tears started forming in her eyes. "I didn't know. I'm sorry," She just kept repeating.

I stood up and sat right next to her throwing my arm around her shoulder and pulling her closer to me. "I don't blame you at all. You were just as clueless as I was. You didn't know and for that please don't apologize," I ran my hand up and down her arm.

"God, you're gorgeous Alora. How the fuck did you fuck up this bad?" Liv asked while looking at Cillian who stood at the bottom of the staircase with shame written all over his face. He looked like he wanted to say something but his words were caught in his throat.

Before I knew it Liv was walking down the stairs and standing face-to-face with Cillian. In a matter of moments, her hand went up and struck him right across the face. I couldn't help but laugh. "I hope you know that you are a real piece of shit Cillian Carnell. Fucking hell look at her and look at you, who gave you the audacity?" If Cillian wasn't embarrassed before he most certainly was now.

With that Liv picked up her bag that stood by the door and turned to face me, "Alora once again I am so so sorry if you need anything my Instagram is liv.bonetti. Cillian fuck you I hope you get stuck in a ditch." With that Liv slammed the door closed and once again I was left alone with Cillian.

"Al I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you," he mumbled

"Do not call me that. You have no right to call me that anymore. I'm done here Cillian. We are done here. It's over. There's no use in apologizing. If you were sorry you wouldn't have done it in the first place. Goodnight and goodbye Cillian," I turned on my heel and made my way to the door, but before I could open it Cillian slammed the door shut.

"You aren't leaving Alora. We both know you cheated on me too," His arms trapped me in

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Well by the looks of things, I'm a cheater now.

"Do you think I'm stupid? I know you were fucking that guy on your story," he laughed.

"Nick? You think I'm fucking Nick?" I laughed out loud.

"Why are you laughing? Stop laughing. There was no other reason for you to be at his house," His arms got tighter around my frame.

I laughed even louder, "He's gay Cillian. I'm not fucking anyone. Now let go of me because I am leaving," Shock was all I could see on his face. Pure and utter shock. I pushed his arms off me and bolted out the door not giving him a second look.

The moment I sat down and closed the van door, I broke into a fit of tears. Nick quickly slid over next to me and pulled me into his arms. Telling me over and over that, it was going to be okay. Matt and Chris sat in the front looking at me with sad eyes.

Slowly Matt pulled away from Cillian's house and every moment we grew further away from his house my cries quieted. I laid down in Nick's lap and let my eyes fall closed while silence filled the car once again.

Before I knew it I was being carried out of the van and into the house. I cracked my eyes open just to be met with Chris's face.

"Sorry I can walk if you want," I said lifting my head a bit higher.

"Don't worry about it Alora, I got you," he gave me a small smile.

"Thank you, Chris," I whispered digging my face back into his chest.

He carried me over to a bedroom I hadn't been in before and laid me on the bed.

"I'm gonna go sleep in Matt's room tonight, if you need any of us don't be afraid to holler," Chris said getting ready to leave the room.

"Chris," He turned around at the sound of my voice. "Thank you. Thank you so much you don't how much this means to me," Tears were brimming in my eyes.

"Always Alora. That's what friends are for," he gave me the same small smile and walked out the door, shutting it behind him.

I laid in Chris's bed for what felt like forever. My mind was spinning with thoughts and it was keeping me from sleeping. I tried to take in the surroundings around me, but darkness was carried through the room preventing it.

I decided to scratch the idea of going to bed so I got up and walked out of the room and instead went to find my backpack. It was still sitting by the front door where I left it when I first got here.

Unzipping my bag I pulled out my busted and beat-up notebook and sat down on the couch. Letting my thoughts out on paper I wrote and I wrote until I started to see lyrics I liked together. Every emotion that I was feeling at the moment was spilled on over my notebook in my messy handwriting that Lance said he could never read.

When I was done writing the sun was slowly starting to rise. I put my notebook back in my backpack and walked back up to Chris's room. Finally being able to see I noticed all the little things he kept around.

The millions of Pepsi cans sitting on his bedside table. The posters he kept hanging over his bed. This room was written in Chris.

I let myself fall into his bed and sleep. I didn't deserve what Cillian did to me and I knew that. No one deserves to be cheated on. My brain finally stopped running and my breathing slowed. Just like that, I was out like a light with the sounds of birds chirping being the only thing I heard.


alora i love you. i had to do a quick character change though because i got new ideas and they'd work better with the pictures olivia has posted.

i'm trying to grind through chapters but quarter 3 is kicking my ass. 

as always please correct me if you find any mistakes.
i love you all and i hope all is well💋

Flicker - Chris SturnioloOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora