He'd Never Hurt Her

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The two pulled away from each other. Trying to catch the breath that seemed to be ripped away from their lungs. Staring at nothing but the eyes of each other. They were so consumed of one another that the world around them didn't seem to exist in the moment.

"Took you long enough," Alora breathe out.

"Oh shut up we've only known each other a few days," Chris teased.

"Yeah seems long enough in my eyes," Alora whispered back and Chris's face up in a smile that Alora had already grown to love. "You ready to go back?"

"No not really, this is nice."

"Works for me," Alora shrugged before sitting back down on the sand as Chris followed her lead. "I'm sad that tour is over."

"Like you said on stage tonight everything good must come to an end but that just gives you the chance to put out something bigger and better." Chris told her as she leaned into him.

"Yeah I know, but honestly if I had the chance I would tour everywhere and all the time. I love being on stage and even more than that I love seeing and meeting fans."

"Well who says that you can't just host smaller concerts here and there whenever you'd like? You never need a reason to do something you love Lora."

"Chris when did you ever become such a wise man?" Alora asked as Chris laughed.

"It comes naturally," He boasted.

The two sat there for a while bit longer talking and thinking about life before deciding it was time to pack up and head back to the house.

When they got back it was just past 3 am...the duo stupidly assumed that everyone else would be asleep so when they walked into the living room to find Nick, Matt, and Miya for some reason they were all just a bit confused. "Miya? Where did you come from?" Alora asked her best friend when she came into view.

"Nick and Matt offered for me to stay here for the weekend since the airbnb apparently only has 3 bedrooms instead of the 4 it stated."

"Oh thank fuck. Now code red...immediately," Alora got out before taking her best friend by the hand and dragging her out the room. But not before saying hi to a confused looking Matt and Nick.

"What's that about?" Matt asked.

"No idea," Nick replied.

"I kissed Alora," Chris blurted out as soon as he assumed that Alora and Miya were out of earshot which caused for the two to whip their heads to Chris.

"NO WAY," Nick yelled which lead to Chris shushing him.

"Chris Sturniolo making the first move? I thought I'd never live to see the day," Matt cheered.

"Ha ha very funny." Chris sarcastically said. "But yeah...and it was great."

"We were wondering where the fuck you two ran off to this time," Nick stated.

"I told you that you'd be fine Chris. I don't know why you were stressing." Matt added in.

"Cause if you don't remember I met her like 5 days ago. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing."

"Yeah sure but look you're fine. It worked out perfectly fine." Matt put out there.

"When are you asking her out?" Nick questioned wiggling his eyebrows.

"Not yet. I think we both like the way it's going right now."

Back in Chris's bedroom stood Alora and a giggling Miya who was beyond excited about her best friend's little love story that was unfolding.

"I'm surprised you didn't make the first move Al."

"If I'm being honest I am too. If he hadn't leaned in when he did I would've done it but it worked out perfectly."

"I want to hear every little detail," Miya demanded as Alora replayed the last few hours in her head.

"We went to the beach, talked and whatever, and then he turned on Enchanted, per my request of course, and I kinda tripped and suddenly we were face to face and boom he kissed me."

"Oh you guys are so cute I'm gonna throw up," Miya squealed. Suddenly the two were brought back to freshman year when they sat in Alora's room giggling and squealing about their first kisses. "Alright so when is the first date?"

"I don't know if I want one just yet. I like the way its going right now."

"Of course you do, but I'm happy for you Al. You deserve some good in your life after the last few years."

Alora smiled as they walked back towards the living room to find Nick, Matt, and Chris in the same positions as when they left. Nick and Matt gave a knowing look which caused for her cheeks to flush. Miya on the other hand walked past Chris and whispered, "You dare hurt her and I swear you'll be posting your next YouTube video from beyond the grave." Chris gave her a smile to try and distinguish the absolute terror he felt at those words, but he didn't have to worry right? He'd never hurt Alora...Or at least he couldn't imagine he would. Not intentionally right?

I'm very sorry for abandoning you all school just got hard and I needed to back off from here, but now that schools over I'm ready to grind (hopefully)
as always please correct me if you find any mistakes
I love you all and i hope all is well💋

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