Blindfolded Baking

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It was a little after two when Nick barged into Matt's room and asked, "Where in the fuck is Chris?" Causing Matt to stir awake.

"He slept on the couch last night," Matt mumbled bringing his comforter over his head to block out the light seeping in from the window.

"Matt he literally isn't anywhere to be found. I checked the living room, the kitchen, the bathrooms, and now your room and he's nowhere," Nick claimed as he pulled the comforter completely off of Matt's bed so that he'd be forced to talk to Nick.

"Maybe he went somewhere? Is Alora home? They could've gone out or something."

"I'll go check, but DO NOT go back to bed it's already past two and we have shit to do," Nick emphasized. Matt just grumbled a quick okay as he lifted himself out of bed.

Nick made his way down to Chris's room and slowly opened the door trying his best to be quiet, but when he saw Chris and Alora wrapped in each other's arms sleeping peacefully it took everything in him not to squeal like an 11-year-old girl after getting a hug from her crush. He closed the door back up and then sprinted up to Matt's room.

"Matt Matt Matt you have to come look," He barely got out as he tried to catch his breath.

Matt couldn't even reply before he was dragged out of the room by the overly excited Nick.

"Just be quiet okay?" Nick whispered as he opened the door.

Matt peaked in and let out an aw at the sight of Chris and Alora. "Take a picture," he told to his brother who was already pulling out his phone. Nick didn't waste a second as he crept closer to the bed to get a good picture, and when he noticed Chris start to move around he turned and bolted out of the room with Matt on his heel. "Chris is gonna kill us one of these days," Matt breathe out as he flopped down on the couch.

"Probably, but in the meantime I want waffles," Nick shrugged.

The commotion of Nick and Matt running out of the room woke Chris right up. He looked down to find Alora asleep on his chest with her arms clinging onto him like he was the only thing keeping her grounded. He smiled at the sight and pulled her closer to him. Her head was buried deep into Chris's shirt as she slept soundly. Chris was willing to lay there for the rest of eternity if it meant seeing her so peaceful. She looked beautiful. Not too long after Alora started to shift awake. She groaned as the sunlight hit her straight in the face which caused her to dig her head further into Chris. Chris laughed at the girl's antics which caused her to look up at him and smile. "Sorry for using you as a pillow," She lightly spoke as she started to lift her head off of him.

Chris stopped her and told the girl, "I would've kicked you off me if I minded." So Alora dropped her head back on him.

"Do I smell waffles?" She asked.

"Nick probably made some, he's had a weird obsession ever since we bought a waffle maker," Chris answered and within seconds Alora flung herself out of bed and out the bedroom door leaving Chris laughing out loud.

"Now who allowed you to make waffles without my presence?" She asked Nick catching him and Matt off guard.

"I was gonna wake you but you looked too comfortable cuddling with Chris," Nick replied leaving for a blush to creep up on Alora's face, and Matt spits out his juice at Nick's words.

"Fair enough," Alora mumbled opening the fridge to grab herself something to drink.

"Well Alora, what are you gonna do today?" Matt asked.

"I gotta go by the studio and figure out a few things with Lance before tomorrow night," She shrugged. "Then maybe a Sephora cause my dumbass broke my favorite lipstick yesterday...What about you guys?"

"I think we have a few meetings, but we aren't gonna make them IF CHRIS DOESN'T HURRY UP AND GET DOWN HERE," Nick screamed.

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