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Chris and Alora drove back to the house with Taylor Swift blasting through the speakers. Alora screaming along to the lyrics that played made the 45 minute drive feel like it was nothing. As they pulled into the driveway the sun was already peaking above the horizon. Turning off the car Alora stepped out the car to take a picture of the sunrise that fell before her. "Something about you and the sky Alora," Chris said standing next to her.

"How could you not love it when it looks like that," She argued.

"Fair point. Fair point," He replied.

A few pictures later the two made their way to the front door and Chris unlocked it allowing the two in.

"Well there you two fuckers are!" Nick yelled as he hopped from a corner. His suddenness caused Alora to scream which caused Matt to come sprinting from his room.

"Who's hurt? What happened?" Matt asked in frantic as he ran into the living room.

"None on is hurt, but these two just got home," Nick said crossing his arms.

Matt followed his lead and stood next to Nick, "Well kids where we you until this late hour or should I say early morning?"

Chris and Alora looked at each other and started laughing, "We went to Taco Bell and then just drove around," Alora shrugged while removing her shoes.

"Yeah we were hungry what's wrong with that?" Chris asked.

"You two are something alright," Nick said with a shake of his head.

"I'm going back to bed, goodnight," Matt mumbled while walking up his stairs.

"I gotta piss I'll be back," Chris said bolting for the bathroom.

"So Alora what's up with you and Chris?" Nick asked while throwing himself down on the couch.

"What do you mean?" The girl questioned

"Well you know what's happening between the two of you?"

"Nothing, why?" She was confused by his questions.

"I just have a hunch," he shrugged.

On que Chris walked out of the bathroom and sat down next to the two. "Im so tired I almost fell over while peeing."

Nick smacked Chris upside the head, "Well then go to bed dumbass."

"Yeah I don't know about you two but I'm off to sleep," Alora said getting up and off the couch. "Goodnight to my favorite Sturniolo and goodnight to you Chris."

"I'm gonna pretend as if I didn't hear that," Chris yelled after her.


"NICK SHUT THE FUCK UP," Matt yelled from his room.

"Goodnight Nick I love you more," Alora said blowing the boy a kiss.

She worked her way over to Chris's room and practically threw herself on the bed when she was close enough to it. She put the comforter over her and set her alarm for 9 am so that she could follow up the release of Would've, Could've, Should've. That's when something hit her. She was releasing a song. She didn't know the reaction it could get. She didn't know if people would like it. She knew nothing. She turned to face the wall trying to just shut out her thoughts and go to bed. It was working until the sound of the door creaking open made her turn back over. She barely had to open her eyes to know Chris was opening his closet. As the closet door closed she whispered, "Thank you for coming with me tonight Chris."

"Always Alora," He smiled even if her eyes were shut. "Goodnight." And with that he closed the door and Alora was out like a light.

Not long after her alarm rang bringing her out of her slumber. Groaning she flipped over to grab her phone and shut it up. It was a workout to even but she managed and opened up her messages to ask Lance if all was ready. He told her everything was under control and not to worry so she took it upon her to open Instagram so she'd be ready to hit post as soon as the clock hit 9.

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