Chapter Two

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A/N just a quick thing. Spoilers are involved this chapter... sorry if you haven't read city of heavenly fire
Clary looked around at the city she hadn't set foot in since the war.  Absolutely nothing had changed. The streets were still the same and the houses looked a bit more worn and weathered.  They passed by the shop where she had purchased her sword.  There was her aunts house, where so many memories had been made, both good and bad.
Clary held Tessa's hand tightly in her own, watching her daughter's curious gold eyes roam the unfamiliar streets and people.  Clary once again noticed her daughters uncanny resemblance to Jace. The same wide, dark gold eyes that seem to carry so  many emotions through them.  Tessa's dark golden ringlets were swaying in the slight breeze of the day.  Her looks were her father's but her stature was all Clary's.  Petite and skinny.  Her daughters hair reached Tessa's hip and Clary couldn't bear to cut it more than an inch at a time.  It was just too beautiful. 
She had many sketches of her daughter always found something new to see on her daughters cute, young face.  The freckle on the tip of her nose. An odd shaped scar on her leg, just like Jace's.  It was a family trait. 
"Tessa!" Clary heard from behind her. "Hurry up!"  Tessa looked at her mother for confirmation and once Clary gave her the go ahead she ran up to James and they immediately started talking and laughing.  Words could not describe how much Clary loved those two kids.  She watched as Tessa pulled playfully on a strand of James's chocolaty hair.  He looked a lot like Juliet but with his father's dark green eyes.  "Clary." Clary jumped at the feminine voice that had whispered in her ear.  "Alessandra!  You scared the crap out of me!"  Her friend smirked and gestured to Eos.   "We were wondering if you'd want to go with us to get some food. There must be something around here that is worth consuming."  Clary agreed to meet up with them just as Eos caught up with the two girls, bumping Clary in the ribs to get her attention.  "Clary, isn't that Simon?"

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