3. The decided.

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"......and there's more danger. You mustn't be so careless." ......The background noise or otherwise, the trainer's voice started to become audible to Agastya and he groaned silently.

He had to go through tons of "counselling" after returning from the forest because apparently he put the kingdom's fate in danger by putting himself in danger.

He had made a valid point but the "counsellors" weren't ones to listen. So, he chose to pay a deaf ear to what they had to say. He was otherwise quite engaged as of now. A certain rabbit owner was messing with his brain and he didn't even have any idea.

His lips curled into yet another smirkish-smile.

" Agastya!! Are you even listening? Why do you keep smiling like that?" ....the trainer, Anshul called him out for what was maybe the third time today and Agastya replied with yet another uninterested look on his face.

The trainer sighed.

" I guess you understood what I was talking about. I hope to not hear of such mischief again." .....the trainer finally gave up.

Agastya nodded his head with swift disinterest. The trainer knew that his words wouldn't do much but it was nonetheless his duty.

"I copy well. Now if you would please....." ...the trainer caught the hint and nodded his head to indicate that he was granted leave.

Agastya turned back on his heels and went straight through the hallway disappearing into the allies of the palace. He moved with the stealth of a tiger. The trainer could be credited with all of the prince's royal makeup and characters. Never with their decisions or thoughts tho. They paid little to no heed to Anshul whenever it came to their decisions and will. He couldn't force them under any circumstances but he tried his best to frame the future leaders. The royal family trusted him with all their sons and daughters which were to be the future kings and queens. Anshul had been with the family almost long enough that he could write a biography of every other member in the family. Funny but true.

That was probably the reason Anshul was among the few members of the palace who were not intimidated by Agastya. This resulted in most of the "Agastya-related" problems to be handed to him. He was basically Agastya's caretaker besides his trainer.


Agastya made his way towards the royal gardens to relieve his mind of the chaos that had settled in without notice. As he made his way into the garden passing through the gates, the guards bowed to him but he was too engrossed in his own thoughts to notice.

The royal ladies were going about their usual day hanging out in the garden. The older ladies were seated under the old banyan chatting amongst themselves. The younger ones were playing dice and some were seated by themselves.

Among them, the most beautiful, popular and sought-after lady was


"Agastya's bride". That's what she was.

Ziya was just another reason most of the prince's were jealous of Agastya. Though Agastya couldn't care less about ladies.

It was decided the day Ziya turned 14. Agastya seemed to like ziya more than the others back then. They stuck to each other and refused to let the other go.

But that was the past. For Agastya it was mere friendship but Ziya took the wrong hints. She was always romantically interested in him since day 1.

Ziya seemed to be the same. Infact her liking towards Agastya grew more and more with each passing day until her only aim was to have Agastya only to herself.

Agastya didn't usually indulge in ladies like the other prince's did and that made him all the way more attractive to the ladies.

His affect was seen as soon as he set foot inside the garden. The garden suddenly seemed more lively and the ladies fixed themselves.

Ziya's eyes brightened and she put herself in one of her most impressive get ups. She glared at the other girls as a silent warning and made her way towards Agastya elegantly.

Her elegance was one among her most desired attributes. The palace men were ready to give all it took to just have an inch on her attention. Clearly, Agastya was the Exception.

He didn't even notice ziya coming towards him.

" How are you doing this morning, Agastya ? " ......The honey laced voice echoed in Agastya's ears and pulled him out of his trance. One could see his annoyance printed on his face but Ziya wasn't one to pick at it.

He didn't quite enjoy being disturbed at the moment. He wouldn't have been that annoyed usually but someone had to fix themselves in his head.

" Ziya. Didn't see you there." Even the cat on samayra's lap could sense the lack of interest in his voice but Ziya wasn't one to pick at hints.

"Of course. I understand you have things you would rather be busy with" ...she kept her composure cool and confident despite the hurt one couldn't mistake in her voice.

"Perhaps" .....he tried to sound as un-hurtful as he could but failed successfully.

Not good with the ladies. His brothers had pointed out several times either as a means to irritate him or aware him. Either way, he couldn't care less.

He tried his best to seem interested in whatever ziya kept rambling about. She was one in the unnoticeably small list of people he cared about and wouldn't want to hurt by any means. She was a good friend to have and although he didn't know what it was, he surprisingly enjoyed her company. One thing he was sure of was, it wasn't love. Something else , maybe their connection since childhood. They were childhood sweethearts as one called it.

It was not too hard to look interested. Because he in fact was,....in a certain dark haired rabbit owner. He barely copied whatever Ziya was saying. She was careless enough not to notice when Agastya slipped out of the conversation to dive into his own pool of thoughts.


Hair running wild, covering the breathtaking view of her face. As much as he loved those strands, he wasn't quite fond of them blocking the yet greater view.

The rabbit was cute...sadly inconsiderable compared to how cute its owner was. The gown fits all the curves. If one was allowed to be jealous of a freaking piece of clothing, he was and undeniably so.

He could imagine the curves fitting right into his palms as if puzzle pieces meant to fit.

The rosy tint of her cheeks , the scrunching up of her nose and furrowing of her brows when the little fluff ball didn't quite copy with her orders. And all the way down to her lips. Truly luscious and-

"Agastya !!?!? Are you even listening!?" .....he was shaken by ziya pulling him out of the not so appropriate place his thoughts were advanced towards.

He nodded his head. One could bet a thousand gold coins that Agastya didn't even know what the topic of the conversation was but no one was to question his majesty and that's how he got away with it.

A part of him. Really tiny part, knew that he was being messed-with. But the larger part was too busy to realise.

Somewhere he sensed that if he didn't restrain himself sooner, he would become unstoppable and it would all become way too unhealthy for anyone's liking.

But maybe ........that was exactly what he wanted ?


Hey guys! Me again. So that's like the longest i have ever written since I started this series which is like two chapters only but umm i guess that would still count 😂.

I would just like to make you aware of something. If you're reading, please hype me up by commenting and letting me know where and how you would prefer changes. I swear. You guys commenting would motivate me more than anything ever could.

Please just spare a few moments to let me know your thoughts on the piece. I really appreciate it more than you might think.

~~~~*you know* hehehheh<3 💖

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