26. The Coronation

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" From the colossal ranges of the snow-capped mountains in the far Western Boundaries, to the primordial forests of Northern Sikri Mountains. Covering the huge expanse comprising both land and water, forests and deserts right from the Southern borders of Rajvanshi empire extending till the huge oceans in the far East, and expanding more with time. The coronation of the New ruler, the Kings of Kings from this day onwards till his reign subdues shall henceforth proceed with grace. "

The trumpets and drums lined up, evoking a thunderous sync of tunes, all set to welcome the change in the empire, through the newer generation of the empire's future. Their heir, the ultimate power and symbol of its supremacy, which remains indomitable throughout centuries and shall continue to be so for generations to come, shall witness this day welcoming their almighty for decades to come.

The soldiers marched with unmatched uniformity, stomping on the ground in rhythmic steps. Their power and dominance could well be seen as the pebbles on the ground shook, erupting dust from underneath them.

The March subdued, giving way to another round of trumpets and drums syncing up as the soldiers stomped for one final time.

" महाराज चरण वन्दनम् (salute the king at his feet) "

The elephants, aligned on their feet, kneeling down all at once as soon as the cry echoed through the grand setup. A calculated second passed, before they stood up on their feet, raising their huge trunks to touch their foreheads.

" Pay obeisance " ......came the cry, as the soldiers lined up, placing their arms and weapons on the ground, signifying there loyalty and obedience to the throne and it's holders. Kneeling on one knee, they bowed their heads.

" राज्यभिसेक का प्रारंभ हो " . ( Let the coronation begin)

....The bold voice of the priest echoed the walls as a dead silence followed. The huge crowd gathered all around the place, awaiting the crowning of their heir fell into an air of suspense, thick silence all around.

Footsteps echoed the hall, as the most awaited person arrived. The steps were calculated, brief and gracious as their rhythm and it's echo as it hit the ground was the only thing audible in the huge place.

Following closely behind were the synced footsteps of the king's to-be advisor, his right-hand, first-in command, and most entrusted official.

The footsteps came to a halt as the man came to stand before the throne. The other man, stopped two calculated steps before the king, turning around to face the crowd.

The official on his right side, provided a scroll draped in royal silk, with tassels adorning the ends, a chain of gold hung closely, tied to the scroll.

The man Untied the ribbon enclosing the scroll with one Swift movement, opening it as he held it before himself, levelling with his eyes. The bold, commanding voice echoed..

" I, Aksh Dev Shah, descending from the race of the Dev Shah's who took an oath in history to bear true allegiance and faith to the almighty Malik's. To serve their majesty, convey obedience, and continue to be faithful till the end of time. Today, i take the same oath, considering the one above us as witness, which promises to deliver my insurmountable respect for the Malik's. For the same, i shall not quiver even if my life is under threat. I shall not hesitate to sacrifice my life if the situation requires. I will discharge my duty to the best of my efforts, and do everything in my ability to uphold the sovereignty and supremacy of the great Malik Empire. May the Malik Empire flourish and expand. Hail to the almighty!"

A grave silence followed, as the people witnessed history in the making.

The commander of the army came forward, the ancestral crown of the Dev Shah's in his hand. It was offered by the founder of the Malik's, Rajvardhan Malik to his most loyal companion, Amrit Dev Shah.

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