4. History ...repeats ?

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The newly made announcement in the village from the royal family caused ruckus to say the least.

The soldiers stood in the middle of the bazaars and announced in a loud and clear voice -

" Their royal highness is searching for a caretaker to look after the pet animals of the royal ladies. This will include feeding , grooming and training the pets. A reasonable salary along with other basic amenities. Interested villagers can apply for the place at the palace. "

All of the young ladies were gushing, well not that you can blame them. Just seeing the prince everyday would be enough of a salary for them. His good looks are all over the place. Not that I'll judge anyone based on looks.

All and everyone were equally ready and would kill to have the place. Though I highly doubt that they even want to be near the animals. Let alone care for them.

Even the girls who stayed at least 5m away from the animals suddenly were loving animals so much. Not that anything matters.

I know for a fact I will never be able to do that even though I really would have. Jihan would get companions and I could include him along with the others to also take care of him at the same time. But mom will never agree.

Hell, she doesn't even want me to be anywhere farther than 10 metres away from the house. Caged Bird, but with relatively more space to move about.

The ladies looked like they'll murder each other to have the place if they have to.

" You won't try ? I thought you loved animals." ....geet asked.

" Yeah. My mom loves me more."

" Sad. I can say you really wanted to. Besides, you can't even guess how handsome his majesty is. " .....well, here we go again. The prince, the prince and the prince. I wonder if he is really what people tell him to be.

I just slightly rolled my eyes, not liking where the conversation was going. I escaped it as soon as sabeena called her.

I can say a full group of 'interested ladies' will be on their way to the palace by evening.

Agastya ~

" I can do anything. Anything, just anything for you,your majesty. Just don't ask me for things even though you know I can't. I will be realistic, but apart from that ...anything. Always in your service, this grateful will be. And even if it's impossible, I will try even though I know I cannot." .......the sentence was adorned with an extremely cringey smile at the end.

I internally cringed.

The new official was employed for my personal service. Mom insisted on having one. And here he is. For once, I was convinced that he would bring a star from the sky if I wanted it. I don't know how to reply to this. Guess I will just ignore it.

For the past half an hour he had been following me around like a total gum. He's sticking to me like his life depends on it. I badly wanted to be left alone but he wouldn't listen. He went on ranting about how he will put his life in danger if it meant he could be of some service to me.

I don't know where they employed this man from. I am not even the king yet. I really despise this unnecessary attention.

And this is not the end of it, there will be a huge ass crowd in the evening too. Mom and aunts needed caretakers for their pets because they were overflowing in the palace and it was apparently not possible for them to look after everyone.

His majesty was busy with much more important matters. So I was the one to verify and permit the employment. The royal stamp was only with two people. Dad and now me.

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