13. Not weak

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(The king's chamber)


"I thought I would have all the tabs on Agastya when I employed you. You seem to be betraying me now." …..the old man said in his rough and heavy voice.

"It's not like that, your majesty. As oathed by me, my loyalty will be lifelong and unwavering, no matter the situation. " ….i replied as i looked down at my feet and bowed slightly.

" Okay ? Is it like that ? Why don't you educate me on all that's going on then?" …..he mocked.

" I'm sorry, I didn't catch the meaning, your majesty." ….i said it as slowly as i could and yet trembled under his gaze. I know where Agastya got his dark aura from now.

" I didn't expect to hear it from someone else before you aksh. I'm disappointed. " …..he said as he sighed heavily and pinched his nose bridge, got up to make his way near the window which overlooked the whole empire at just a glance. Even the tower of Sikri at the farthest end.

I remained silent.

He continued…….
" Mayank came in the morning. He didn't know the whole thing. He just gave me bits I couldn't join, or perhaps I could. But I find it too hard to believe. What has been going on aksh? I loathe to repeat myself. " ….he said with a croaky voice.

" Perhaps, I have no other option." ..i said, defeated.
…….he stood at the window sighing heavily.

" It wasn't too long back. His majesty sent me to go searching for a wild hare in the bazaars of sikri. I couldn't do anything but comply with his orders. Eventually, the girl, to whom the hare belonged, came searching for it. I thought it was just for fun but to my surprise, he did everything he could to have her employed for the caretaker's place."

" Caretaker? " …..he asked as his brows creased and his face held a completely bewildered look.

" Yes, your majesty. The queen and ladies together decided to have a caretaker for the pet animals on account of their increasing numbers in the palace. They decided to pass the order through Agastya as you were busy with the provincial extensions back then. I thought you were aware by now. I apologise for the inconvenience.……I said, being confused too. I had thought the queen would have eventually mentioned it to his majesty.

He kept silent urging me to continue.

I took a silent breath and cleared my throat.

" The girl had been inhabiting the third royal servant room as per protocol. But Agastya had urged me recently to upgrade her to the royal guest suite. " ……..I shuddered as I spoke.

" Sikri ?" ….he said as his eyes flickered with an unknown emotion.

" I'm afraid it is so.".......i said with all the strength i had.

He motioned me with his hands to continue.
I was an inch away from collapsing as I realised that he was already aware of the morning incident. Why else would he ask me to tell him further?

Mayank saw it, I'm sure.

I trembled as i took the deepest breath i had ever took in my life and mustered all the courage from every corner of my soul i could possibly find.

" ….I'm afraid this will go against everything, but i can't keep anything from you."
" This morning, after I had settled Agastya down with the first matter of the day, he suddenly wanted to go back to his room. He said he felt uneasy. On reaching the imperial hallway, we saw……."

" You saw what ? " ……..the old man said in his groggy voice with visible impatience.

"We ……." ……I couldn't push those words out of my throat. They stuck like needles.

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