8. Already here.

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" ....and this is where you can bathe them. The hares love to bathe here. You can take the other pets to the other side of the palace too. There's a small pond over there. " ...aksh said.

" There's a major chance that I'll get lost frequently. I would need a map." ..I said jokingly. Though it wasn't completely a joke. I couldn't catch up with what he said till now except just the names of the pets.

He laughed and said " Trust me, I was just like you till a few days ago. You'll get used to it. Moreover, I'm always here. I'll find you if you get lost." ...He winked jokingly.

" Aksh. I believe you have better jobs to do than find her. " ....the deep voice spoke from behind us. Maybe I was mistaken, but he seemed annoyed.

He was so rude to aksh. Is he like that all the time?

Aksh on the other hand looked terrified. I didn't know why so I turned around.

I jumped slightly as I saw him glare at aksh with fire in his eyes. I regained my composure as soon as I could and stood up straight again.

I wasn't scared of him. And I needed him to know that.

" Yes. My lord. " ..aksh said quietly.

" Follow me. I have work for you." ...He looked straight at aksh ignoring my existence. But then again, why am I annoyed? It's not like I wouldn't exist if he didn't acknowledge it.

" As you say. " ....aksh bowed and went to stand behind him.

They turned around to go but then, the idiotic man stopped and turned around suddenly to look at me.

The sudden gesture made my hands go flying to my chest in terror.

He smirked slightly and went out with aksh.

What was that ? I asked myself but to no answer.
Did he just scare me like that? And why did I get scared ?

I was convinced at this point that I was going crazy.

Ever since mom left after agreeing with the prince on having me as the caretaker for the pets. Though i didn't expect to, i was feeling lost and alone in this huge palace.  I realised shortly, that I actually missed mom now.

But aksh was a total sweetheart. He insisted on me calling him by his name when I addressed him as 'sir'.
After the courtroom incident, aksh came with me to tell me the jobs and show me where they were to be done. He also familiarised me with the pets and their names and what they like or dislike.

And lastly, he also showed me where I would be living for the rest of my time.

It was a small chamber but I liked it. There was a bed at one corner and a small table at the side. A small Cupboard was also present. The shelves were filled with clothes and other amenities of daily use.

It was small but it was complete. And the furniture, although little but was nicely carved and designed with the finest of woods.

It was totally like my room back at home but it was missing only one thing. The homely feeling. It didn't feel like home. I felt alone.

Hopefully, I will adapt. I look forward to having aksh by my side. He is the only one making me comfortable in this huge palace.

Agastya ~

After the courtroom proceedings were over for the day, I realised that aksh had been gone with ruh for long. The thought itself irritated me so I went on to find them.

Soon, I spotted them in the corridor talking. As I went further, it became audible to me.

The heavenly sound of her laughter filled the air. But then aksh did what he shouldn't have. He winked at her. He.winked.at.her.

I could feel my skin burning without knowing the reason. I'll figure that out some other time. But right now I need to do what is necessary.

I needed to get him away from her. I couldn't tolerate it for even a second more.

As I called out for aksh i could feel her stiffening. Scared already huh?

I glared at aksh but then she turned around and jumped a little. I wanted to laugh but I was glaring at aksh and didn't want him to think he was forgiven.

I asked him to follow me. I could feel her staring at me through her lashes. I would have to look down to look at her eyes. She was tiny enough not to even reach till my shoulders.

But I would do that some other time. I have plenty of time now. She will know soon enough why she was here. Well, obviously not because her pet is 'well-taken-care-of'.

No matter how much I resisted, I couldn't resist the urge to have a last look at her before I went out. As I turned around suddenly, she jumped and held her chest in absolute terror.

She needed to stop this, I could break out in laughter any moment now. Can she get any cuter? 
I ignored the strong urge to laugh and smirked instead. She looked like an absolute doll like that.

I knew I had to get away or I might completely forget that I had work to do. I was partly aware that it was going to be hard for me to not get distracted starting from today.

But if this was the distraction, then it might as well be the focus. I wouldn't mind.

Ruh ~

The day went by after what felt like ages to me. Time was running painfully slow for me.

It was the first day so I wasn't given any work as of now. I just had to memorise all of the chambers, grooming rooms and which pet belonged to whom. I will probably be given some work tomorrow so it would be wise of me to take as much rest as I can today and get myself ready.

Amidst all of this, the only thing that kept me going was jihan. I couldn't be more thankful that he was allowed to be with me.

I was scratching his ears while he sat on my lap. He was sniffing around more than usual, he was hungry.

Suddenly, he got up and started going towards the door. I understood his hunger but this was a new place and I still didn't know which corridor goes which way.

I ran behind him trying to catch him while he ran like he always does. Like he was in a marathon. At this point I was convinced that if there existed a marathon for hares, Jihan would bring me innumerous trophies each year.

I ran through the corridors trying to catch him. It was dark with just a little essence of moonlight all around. I looked down while running trying to search for him when suddenly I tripped on a stone and was about to fall when a hand snaked around my waist and held me up firmly.

The moonlight shone over the devilishly handsome face as he looked over at me.

" Not even a day has passed, and you're already here in my arms. " ....the words were followed by a brief chuckle.


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We're just getting started. More to come. Can I please have 3 votes on this one?
Next update will be up soon too. Hopefully.

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