21. Wifey...?

58 6 0

Agastya ~

I felt her drifting to sleep after quite a while of laying in peaceful silence. I turned to my side and looked at her eyes closed as she mumbled something incoherently.

I tried to listen, however it wasn't possible with how slowly she was speaking. I looked outside through the window to see the night getting darker.

I would have to cross the forest and the darker it is, the more dangerous it would be. Also, i had to get back inside the palace in my room before daylight to keep this a secret.

It was hard to leave her and go away after luck had permitted me this chance to have her close to me. This was the most peace I've had in a while.

I got up and turned back to have a last look at her, but couldn't resist myself from planting a last kiss on her forehead.

She moved to face the other side as she shivered unknowingly. I looked at the comforter on the lower side of the bed and placed it on her securely.

As i was about to leave, i saw a pot of pansies on the dressing table and a few petals on the floor.

She plucked them one by one, that was obvious judging the way the petals were broken. I wondered why she did that, but smiled when i realised how unpredictable she was.

I got down to pick up the petals as my body moved by itself. I collected them on my palm and looked at them, stretching my palm out.

Suddenly, i sensed footsteps approaching. I hid beside the dressing table instantaneously.

I felt them fade away as they went further down the hallway. It was probably a guard, on night shift.

I stuffed the petals in my pocket not knowing what to do with them. I took a last look at the sleeping beauty before forcing my feet away.

I closed the curtains securely once i was outside on the balcony. I looked down to see a few guards walking here and there, but they were only a few.

This was a bad military planning. Whoever their head commander was, clearly needed to be changed.
At night, the guarding at the outside should be dense to stop someone from breaking in.

I don't know what the need to have a guard inside the palace was, like the one who just passed by through the hallway.

However, i was thankful at the same time. This was the only reason i was able to get in without much hassle.

I held the railing as i climbed up to get a grip of the wall on the side and went further away, camouflaging in the darkness eventually before i started heading for downwards.

I set my foot on the ground as i turned back ....

I jumped, and my hands instantly went to grab the knife on my waist band as i saw someone standing in front of me.

"Shhhh!!!!!! It's me your majesty. ".......i looked at the idiotic face of aksh smiling in an unsettling manner.

" What are you doing here ? "...... I asked straightaway as I placed my knife back in the holder attached to the waistband.

" Well,.....watching a prince ....do un-princely things." .....he said as the idiotic smile never left his face. I rolled my eyes and left him behind, walking away.

I felt his footsteps catching mine up slowly, so as not to alert anybody.
Soon, he was on my side walking at almost the same pace.

" Are you really a royal-blood ? Because you seem way too experienced in doing sneaky stuff." ......he said nonchalantly.

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