24. The Doors of Destiny

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( Queen mother's pov continues )

As I rushed towards Aadhrit's chamber, I wondered what his 'important task' was. I secretly hoped to reach his chamber and find out. However, my wish wasn't fulfilled as I met him halfway through the gallery, coming towards my chamber.

"Mom? I was just coming." He said as he met my eyes, and shrugged.

" Yes, I know. I thought....i thought it would be quick if I'm already here ...so you wouldn't have to go to my chamber again. That would've taken time." .....I said as I struggled to grasp any reasonable explanation of why I was advancing towards his chamber.

He looked at me strangely, and I knew the reason for it. I have to get a grasp of myself, a queen cannot be nervous around her own son.

" You're acting strange. I don't even know why it's so urgent. " ......He rolled his eyes again, his disapproval of traditions and beliefs in astrological patterns was evident.

I fisted my palms as I was compelled to control my apparent anger once more. It irritated me even more, now that I thought of it.

We traversed through the galleries, taking the stairs and reached the garden.

" Aadhrit. Go towards guruji's chamber. I'll come in a while." ....i said as I interrupted his steps. He turned back and responded with an annoyed look, but didn't inquire anything and eventually proceeded towards the eastern wing.

I stood and watched him. I turned back once I was sure that he was out of sight.
I looked at the place where I saw shailav. He wasn't there anymore.
I took a few steps towards the place and found myself standing where I spotted him previously.

I followed the same vision range as him and looked up at ruh's chamber, trying to mimic his actions and see if I could gather something.

Instead, I found ruh standing at the balcony. She was looking away with her back facing me. Soon she turned around and her eyes met mine.

She flashed me a brief smile and nodded at me. I mirrored her expressions and carried out the same manner of greetings.

Finally, I waved at her and turned back on my path towards guruji's chamber.
I could feel her eyes following me as I moved through the garden.
Reaching guruji's little cottage, I found Aadhrit standing outside. He hadn't entered yet.

I took a deep breath as I couldn't help but realise that a little confrontation must slip out today.

" Aadhrit. You're going to be the king of this empire in less than a few weeks. Guruji is a crucial part of all of our decisions. How do you plan on carrying out your conduct with him? Provided you can't even go inside and talk with him without me being present. " ......I said as a sudden strictness coloured my tone. Maybe it was harsher than necessary, but I wasn't in control right now.

" Mother please. You know it all, and you're still playing dumb. You know I don't like all of these. There is no base to all of this." .....he said. And there was an underside to his tone which hinted at annoyance and unlawful authority. He was just a few strings away from raising his voice at me. Me, his mother.

I felt anger rushing through me. The next few words came out with authority. And now the mother wasn't insisting, the queen was ordering.

" It is not about what you like or dislike aadhrit ! It is about the well-being of this kingdom. This kingdom that we've been living for and shouldn't hesitate to die for. Changing your preferences is the most inconsiderable thing you can do for this empire. You can't even imagine what your father and godfathers did for this privilege that you enjoy now. " .......the mother inside of me shuddered at the rigid, almost harsh tone I was using, but this is my duty.

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