27. The Confrontation

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"While I appreciate your hospitality, I need answers. If I came off as rude, I apologize."

Aadhrit spoke. His fingers were tapping in the table top, unconsciously.

"Not at all, you're our guest, and it's our duty to clear all your doubts."....the tone of voice was ambiguous. The words were uttered slowly with deliberation.

The newly crowned monarch cleared his throat as he leaned towards the table.

"Here's a deal.".......a silence followed.

Aadhrit kept silent, waiting for the next words to be put forth.

"Recently, there has been something, or should I say someone, taken from here to the Rajvanshi's. You promise a return, and I promise non-aggression towards the Rajvanshi's for a life time."

The silence that followed after this was thicker, serious and an atmosphere of apprehension followed.

Aadhrit's fists clenched, but he was calm.

"What exactly is it that we're talking about."......the words were uttered through gritted teeth.

A smug expression colored Agastya's face.

"The queen of the Malik's.".....the words were clear, bold, and screamed of authority.

The expressions on aadhrit's face turned to confused for a second, before he grasped the meaning completely. Now it was just pure, unfiltered rage on his face.

With a sudden movement, he stood up, angling his sword at Agastya's neck soon after retrieving it from his waistband.

Almost as a reaction to this, a sword was angled at aadhrit's neck in a matter of seconds. He looked towards the owner of the sword to see Aksh.

In a blink of an eye, around ten swords were angled all over his body, and they were covered all around with soldiers.

"I warn you to withdraw your sword and apologize to his majesty. You're our guest, we don't want to get our hands bloodied when they should be welcoming," ...the words were spoken of Aksh, as he glared at Aadhrit.

"Soft, Aksh. You don't behave like that with our guests." ....Agastya spoke, as he started to stand up with the sword still angled at his neck.

Aksh withdrew his sword hesitantly on Agastya's order. The other soldiers followed Aksh.

Aadhrit kept the sword touching Agastya's neck slightly.

"I'm not afraid to get my hands bloodied."....he said, looking straight into Agastya's eyes.

Agastya chuckled slightly, as he picked up his hand and traced the sword with his index finger. As he traced it, a deep red line of blood covered edge of the blade.

"It would be a shame if the heir of the Rajvanshi's is afraid to get his hands bloodied. You're indeed impressive."

He looked up from the sword to look directly into aadhrit's eyes.

"However, it is a shame too if every step of the heir of the Rajvanshi's isn't calculated properly. Army strength, artillery, weaponry and manpower are a big deciding factor of any war. Just curious, but are you certain of your ability to afford aggression with the Malik's?" .....the question was asked with slow deliberation, it was a silent threat, buttered with a slow and friendly tone of voice.

A flicker was visible in aadhrit's eyes, and his hold on the sword loosened without him knowing.

Rajvanshi's were a relatively newer empire, and Malik's were the giants of the land since half a century before. All the points listed above by Agastya were indeed important. Whether it is army or artillery, the Malik's cannot be matched with their military.

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