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I had been worried sick since the day Jihan disappeared from the market. I could swear he was just in my peripheral vision but the moment I turned around he wasn't there anymore.

But on the contrary, something miraculous happened. My mom and yes my own damn mom who hated the idea of having jihan seemed more worried than me about him now. She had been searching the nearby jungles and almost the whole of our village with me. As sad as i was about jihan going missing, i also couldn't ignore the happiness i had on seeing how much mother loves him too.

Guess that's what their charm is about. Too charming to resist.

" Hey hey hey !!!!!!! Ruh ! Ruh ? Where is your mother?" …..Arjun,came running and stopped in front of our place.

My mom on hearing the sudden shout was quick to show herself.

" What happened? Why are you running ? Calm down. " …My mom inquired hastily.

" I- " …he takes a deep breath before proceeding with his words.
" You won't believe me. I went to the palace to keep forward my needs for the next agricultural year. " ….he stopped to breathe again before he spoke.

" And I saw a hare. The exact copy of jihan. I would've thought it was some other similar looking hare. But I knew better. The scar on his hind limbs gave it away. It had to be jihan. You said you couldn't find him right ?" 

I interrupted before my mom could say anything.

" Yes. Are you sure you saw that exact scar on him ? You have seen it before right ?" …..I was too agitated. After a week of disappointment, I might finally have some clue.

" Yes ruh. Are you doubting me ? My eyes are still as fine as new. " ….he looked offended.

" No! Not at all. No. I don't doubt you. I was just making sure. Thank You so much Kaka." ……I thanked him genuinely. If it's really jihan , then i got to give him something.

After putting up a few minutes with him, Arjun went on to his house. I thought I would have to convince mom but she was already up to go search for him at the palace. Yet again, surprising.


It wasn't too late so we decided to start at the palace. The way through the jungle is full of dangers and long too but there's another shorter way through the outskirts of the jungle where it is less dense and safe. It is the common path for the people of Sikri to go to the palace.

Soon, we reached the outer gate of the palace. I knew it from others but now I see it too. There were two gates, the first and front gate marks the area of the palace as we get in and the second gate, a little smaller but a lot more beautiful and marvellous, opens directly into the inside of the palace. The second one is perhaps the main one.

As we got in, we were stopped by the guards asking for our purpose. My mom elaborated the whole thing with me interrupting here and there in haste. I couldn't wait any longer. I haven't seen my baby for weeks now.

" We will have to ask for permission from the court management before we let you in." ….the guard expressed politely as he sent in the other guard to inform the court of our arrival.

He came back after what I guessed was somewhere near 7 minutes.

" Their majesty has allowed you to make your way inside." ..he proceeded to return to his previous guard position after motioning us in.

As we got inside, I couldn't believe the man-made paradise in front of me. Gardens on both sides as a straight path leads us towards the courtroom and other various buildings built alongside. And this was just the front side of the place.

The personal palace of the prince and princesses with gardens, parks and ponds must be on the backside. The path deviates to go to the back side from the courtroom gate.

I restrained myself from melting into the scenery in front of me and instead focused on my baby whom I haven't seen for weeks.

We got into the courtroom and proceeded further to where the seating was held. All the attention was turned to us.

Agastya ~

The courtroom proceedings were going on when suddenly someone interfered. It was the guard.

" Long live his majesty." ..he kneeled.

" Yes ? What's the matter ?" ..I asked patiently.

" A girl and her mom are here. They claim that their pet, supposedly a wild hare, is somewhere in the palace and for which they want to meet you, your majesty. " …..he elaborated the whole thing in a calm and controlled tone.

The fish took the bait.

I smirked internally. I was eager for this.

" Send them in."

" I will." …He said, after which he retreated from the room.

Soon, the tinkling sound of anklets was audible to everyone in the court as they turned their attention towards the entrance.


Hey ! I know this one is a bit boring but the next will be up soon .💖
Love till then.

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