7. One step closer.

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" I don't - i can't even tell you how-i-...........mom struggled to explain herself in front of the 'prince'. For some reason, maybe I was being skeptical but I could swear I saw him glance at me multiple times. He wasn't even listening to what mom had to say.

Finally, I had enough of that and I spoke up. "It's not our fault. Though we don't know how the rabbit found its way here. But, we would very much like to take it back. Your highness."...i spoke Directly to the prince who yet again kept on staring blankly and wait..... What do I see? Is that a smirk? He's smirking? For what?

" Oh yes. Surely. Let's talk it out." ….he replied in a smug, unbothered tone.

Talk? What's there to talk about it ?

" What's there to talk about ? You give me back my rabbit and I go home. What will we talk about ?" …I asked him directly.

A ton of silent gasps were audible in the room. Everyone stared at me wide-eyed. Next moment, I felt my mom pinching me to keep quiet. Did I do something wrong? I don't think so.

The chief glared at me like I had stolen his kidney.

" Stupid girl! Don't you know how to talk to his almighty? How dare you answer him directly? " …His voice hid a silent warning underneath.

Amongst all this, the person who should be bothered the most was just sitting there with a idiotic smirk plastered on his face. Is he exposed to some kind of disease ? Smiling when he shouldn't be ?

For some reason I wanted to slap it off him.
My mom spoke up suddenly.

" Please forgive her, your highness. She came to the court for the first time. Please forgive her mistake. She will not do that again. " …My mom said as she began kneeling down but I didn't let her.

I held her up and spoke up.

" Although I don't understand what I did wrong. But if it's my mistake then I will apologise. Why should you apologise on my behalf? And why do you need to kneel down? It's not like we've committed a great sin." ….i said what I thought.

But mom glared at me in a warning manner. Nah. I'm not going to be scared.we didn't do anything. We are just here for Jihan and will go back if we get him.

I felt stares burning into me but ignored them. Soon, the idiot aka the prince spoke up after what felt like a year of sitting and staring at …….me?.. I'm probably paranoid.

"All and everything is okay. I've got a tempting offer for you which I presume, you'll be obliged to accept. " …He turned around and signalled the courtiers to leave the room.

Soon, the room was empty except for mom, me, the prince, and what seemed like his assistant.

" Bring him in." …he ordered the man by his side, who went in through the back door and brought a wooden book with holes for ventilation and there lay my baby, sniffing around.

I ran towards him as soon as I caught sight of him but was stopped by the same man. My patience was now being tested and I could lose it any moment now. Who was he to stop me from meeting my very own pet ?

" Ahem! So…" …the ridiculous man aka the prince spoke up. My mom looked at him intently and to what he had to say.

" We saw that this Little guy here has been taken care of quite well. " …he said.

My chest somewhat swelled up with undeserving pride.

Meanwhile, mom and the other man, supposedly the prince's assistant, looked at the dirt-laden, smelly, and unruly jihan move and sniff around the box.

Both of them threw a questionable glance at the prince.

" Ahem! I mean, he has got good manners. Also, he seemed to adapt to changes very well. Like for example, he wasn't much of a problem here. Those are qualities to look out for." …He tried explaining himself to the two people on the verge of breaking out in laughter.

The other guy was a stranger. But how could mom be like that ? Why did she share a look when the prince said that Jihan had been well taken care of. I could swear she didn't believe that.

" We're looking for a caretaker for the royal pets. You must've already heard the news. The search is under progress till now. " ….the assistant came forward and spoke on behalf of the prince.

" Yes. And we haven't recruited anyone till now." …The idiotic man said from behind.

He motioned to his assistant to tell us something. What was he hinting at ? There was an underlying topic which I couldn't catch.

But mom seemed to be catching it well because she was looking at me worriedly.

" Ma'am. We believe your daughter is fit for the job. We would very much like to have her to care for the royal animals. She can also keep her hare with them and it will be provided with the treatment which the royal animals receive. All of this is possible only if you agree with us. " …The assistant elaborated, leaving me in utter shock and my mom in distress.

But like the wonder woman my mom was, she regained her composure and started speaking.

" Rajkumar. We're very lucky to have received this offer from your majestic self. I can't question your decision. But, do you really think my daughter is fit for the task ? "

I admired her for her ability to handle any kind of situation so nicely and still managing to have her way. That's probably where I got my independent side from.

The assistant opened his mouth to answer mom but the prince interrupted him.

" She is. She can do it better than anyone else would. I believe in her. " …The glint in his eyes was enough to convince my mom. Hell! He even made me think I was a goddess for a second.

" We can't possibly decline an offer from his majesty. But, my daughter has never been out of the village. This is her first time coming to the palace. How will she……" ..my mom expressed her slight hesitation to let me alone which the idiotic seemed to have caught. He interrupted once again.

" She will be safe. And taken care of. I promise you that." …He whispered the last line with utter softness.

The assistant's eyes were growing wide.
Though i Haven't been out in the world enough to know about things. But I knew it was unusual for the prince to make an offer for someone by himself. Let alone making promises to a commoner with so much softness.

My mom, on the other hand, was too stunned to speak.
It wasn't like we could deny what the to-be-king says.
But i wonder, will mom agree ?


Hey there ! Enjoy this part. I won't be able to update much but i am trying my best. Please cope with it. 😅
                                                                    ~~~ 💕 your author 💕🌚

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