[01] The Life-Changing Fanmeet

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It was a BTS fan meeting for their newly released song; Blood, Sweat & Tears. Dao had flown all the way from Thailand to Korea for this. It was sudden and unexpected but her brother had surprised her with a plane ticket the weekend before. She had fallen in love with BTS from the very start of their career, mainly because of the music they created.

Dao had been standing in line for the last twenty minutes but finally, it was her turn to meet the world-famous idols. Her brother, Boun, had come with her to Korea but not with her to the fan meeting. He joked about not wanting to see her in full fangirl mode (even though she was probably the least obsessive BTS fan out there) and he ended up staying in their hotel. Dao loved BTS, don't get her wrong. But she loved the meaning behind their songs, their songs in general, and the beautiful choreography they trained hours for more than she obsessed over how they looked (not that they weren't all Greek Gods).

The first member of BTS that she got to meet was Jungkook. He was honestly nicer in person than imaginable. He smiled a bunny smile at Dao as he spoke to her and signed her copy of Blood, Sweat & Tears, then he high-fived her before waving goodbye as she moved on to Taehyung.

The last member that Dao got to meet in person was the oldest BTS member, Jin. She stopped in front of him and his eyes drifted over her face as he observed her. Dao did the same and she had to admit that seeing World Wide Handsome in person was probably the best part of this fan meeting.

After a second, Jin smiled at her and asked a question. "You're Thai, right?" he said in Korean since she greeted him in Korean.

"I am!" Dao brightly smiled.

"Your Korean's really good," he complimented as he took the CD from her.

"Thanks, I've been studying it for about three years now."

"That's a long time. Who's your bias?" Jin asked as he signed his name.

Dao laughed. "I can't tell you... "

"So it's not me then," he commented.

"I didn't say that," she said trying to tease him. "I skipped school for you."

"Everyone does that," Jin muttered with a small chuckle. "You've been studying Korean for three years now but you're so informal, how old are you?"

"Old enough for you," Dao replied.

Jin looked up at her after signing his name. He was taken aback by her words but when he looked at her face she seemed completely fine. Normally, when a fan said something like that to him it would be shyly done or they'd be giggling too much out of embarrassment. Dao was smiling, but she looked serious.

"How can you say that!" Jin laughed in surprise. "You're not even blushing."

"I'm 17," Dao said, answering his previous question.

"17?"Jin asked, he was even more surprised now. How can a seventeen-year-old be this bold with absolutely no shame? "Did your school permit you to be here?"

"If you give me your number, I'll answer truthfully!" Dao dared him with a playful smile.

"You... " Jin said but he hesitated when he looked at her again. "Are you really 17?"

"I can be 24 for you," Dao told him confidently.

"Excuse me?" Jin's eyes widened as she laughed.

He quickly looked down to give her back her CD. Pick-up lines never worked on Jin, he also never got flustered no matter how many shameless things fans said to him, but for some unknown reason, he was blushing because of this kid. Before he gave Dao her Blood, Sweat & Tears CD back he picked up his pen again and scribbled something small on the inside of the CD cover.

"Is that your number?" Dao whispered to Jin as she leaned a bit closer to him. He was grateful because he didn't want or need any of his members to overhear that, especially the BigHit staff. "Can I call you when it comes to math?" Dao quipped.

Jin looked up at her again with a deadpan expression on his face. "Kid, did you really just ask for my number to help you solve math equations? Are you joking?"

Dao laughed at his response. "No, I just didn't think you'd seriously give it to me."

"Did you ask the other members for their numbers, too?" Jin asked in bewilderment.

He seriously had never come across someone like Dao before. It was refreshing, but also concerning as to why he was doing what he was doing.

"It's a secret," Dao teased with a finger to her lips. "Shhh!"

"Oh, okay," Jin remarked back. "That's fine, I can just take back my number and keep your CD too."

"No!" Dao pouted and quickly did aegyo for him.

Jin chuckled as he handed her, her CD back. He held his hand up for a high-five but Dao linked their fingers together and held his hand for a second before releasing it and waving goodbye to Jin.

Her time for meeting the members of BTS was officially over.

"Text me!" she called back to him.

Jin shook his head in disbelief as he watched Dao leave. What the hell was that? He thought to himself. It's fine, he nodded. It's over with and nothing's ever going to happen. So why worry?

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