[27.] Interrupted Dance Practice

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It was a week later during TXT's dance practice for their latest music video. Dao was feeling really good about it. She liked it a lot and so did Yeonjun. The two took the lead, but when it came to filming the music video they suddenly turned into a cat and a dog. They couldn't agree on anything because Yeonjun wanted the part that Dao wouldn't give up. It wasn't really arguing and it definitely wasn't fighting. It was competitive bickering.

"Let me have the part," Yeonjun said as the music faded away.

"Not a chance," Dao refused.

"Noona, come on."

"Yah, we're only a few months apart, stop calling me noona. It makes me feel old," Dao scolded him.

"Noona! Noona! Noona! Give me the part," Yeonjun teased her, making Dao run after him as he ran in circles around the practice room to avoid her.

The rest of their members watched them either smiling or shaking their heads at the two. Yeonjun would've been the oldest if it wasn't for Dao, but he acted like such a kid around her. Taking the age gap and always using it to his advantage. Usually, Soobin would be in the middle pacifying them but this time he couldn't be bothered. It was amusing to watch and also because he knew this was one situation where his members just had to solve it on their own.

Angel or Devil, that was the mv.

By the time they were done running and chasing, they were both out of breath. Yeonjun had his hands on his knees panting while Dao sighed tiredly with her hands on her hips.

"Give it to Hueningkai?" Yeonjun managed out.

"Give it to Hueningkai," Dao agreed.

It was the part where the animation would make one of them look like an angel with wings and a halo. Both of them wanted that part but when things like that arose and they couldn't agree, the baby of the group happily benefited. Every single time.

"Well, Hueningkai is an angel," Soobin said, slinging an arm over Kai's shoulders.

"Thanks hyungie, thanks noona," Kai grinned.

"Whatever," Yeonjun muttered, collapsing beside their leader and maknae.

Dao settled between the middle children, Beomgyu and Taehyun. She rested her head in Taehyun's lap and her legs in Beomgyu's. No one even batted an eye because they were all so used to puppy piling and cuddling each other. Since they were trainees and even now, their close bond was something they all valued and knew would never break no matter how much time passed. Even if they were separated and old, they were still TOMORROW X TOGETHER, nothing was going to change that.

The door opened a minute later, a staff member popped his head inside. They were always so careful, especially if bands were practicing or the camera was rolling to record their practices. When he saw that neither was happening and TXT was, in fact, just taking a quick break, he straightened up and cleared his throat.

"Yihyun hyung," Soobin greeted.

The rest acknowledged the man and sat up to bow their heads in greeting and out of respect.

"Yihyun oppa, what are you doing here?" Dao asked.

"Yeah, hyung. I thought you were taking a week off," Yeonjun said.

"That was the plan," Yihyun admitted before simply shrugging. "Plans change."

Yihyun was nice and TXT really liked him. He was one of their main staff people when doing anything. From variety show episodes, to photo shoots, to recorded dance practice, and just looking after them in general. They were really young and still kids, after all. Dao didn't know how to cook, neither did Beomgyu, Taehyun, or Kai. Yeonjun was somewhat good and Soobin knew the basics. Other than that, TXT was known in the HYBE building for almost burning their dorm down that one time.

"Anyway, Dao?"

"Yeah?" Dao answered, resting on her knees and ready to stand up when she heard her name.

"There's someone here for you. They didn't have a security card but they insisted on seeing you. He said he was your brother- "

"My brother? He's here?" Dao asked excitedly.

She hurried to her feet with TXT watching her in amusement and with smiles. Their oldest member just turned into a puppy. Happy and eager. It was the most adorable they'd ever seen Dao and she was in charge of aegyo for the group.

Yihyun stepped aside, pushing the door open completely and revealing Dao's older brother. He'd dyed his hair again. Blonde for his new acting role. The tips were still brown, but Dao could recognize Boun anywhere, wearing anything, and doing anything.

Boun stepped inside the practice room, putting his hands together out of habit and politely greeting Dao's members. They bowed their heads in greeting back. The language barrier stopping both sides from actually saying anything to one another.

Dao's smile went from bright to blinding, widening even more until she looked like the Cheshire cat. Boun and Dao's eyes locked and he grinned at her.

"P'Boun!" Dao exclaimed, rushing up to him and jumping in his arms.

Boun caught her and spun her around, hugging her back tightly before putting her back down. He grabbed her face in his hands and kissed the top of her head.

"Look at you, you look more grown up," Boun commented.

"So do you, hia. You had your hair dyed again," Dao stated the obvious.

"I got a new series. It's called Until We Meet Again. You'll watch it, right?"

"When have I ever skipped anything you act in?" Dao rolled her eyes, punching him softly in the shoulder.

"Never," Boun smiled. "I missed you," he said and hugged her again.

By this time, Yihyun had deemed Boun to be who he really said he was and left them alone. When the siblings released each other, Dao fitted her hand into Boun's and dragged him across the room to meet her members. Officially and face to face.

"Guys, this is my older brother, Boun Guntachai," Dao introduced in Korean, knowing full well her members didn't know a single Thai word except for 'krub'. She then switched back to Thai for her brother. "P'Boun, these are my members. Oldest to youngest. Yeonjun, Soobin, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Hueningkai."

"They look more handsome in person," Boun muttered, making Dao smile.

"안녕하세요 (annyeonghaseyo)" TXT all greeted together, bowing to show respect since Boun was an acquaintance, someone older than them, and Dao's brother.

"สวัสดี (Sawasdee khrap)" Boun greeted back.

Dao frowned, realizing neither of them would understand each other at all.

"English!" she said a second later. "Yeonjunie, you can speak English. My brother can speak English too."

"Oh, uh... Hello, it's nice to meet you," Yeonjun took the lead.

"Nice to meet you too," Boun nodded.

Dao smiled proudly.

Finally, after how many months she eventually got to see her brother again. He was physically in front of her and she couldn't help but cling to him, locking their arms together. Boun carried on brokenly trying to communicate with TXT in English, while still finding his sister cute and patting her head affectionately.

"Where's P'Prem?" Dao wondered, glancing around and only now noticing that one person was missing who was supposed to visit her.

"He's at our hotel room. You know how much of a baby he is when he gets jetlag, he wanted to sleep it off first and visit you later," Boun explained.

"Oh, okay," Dao nodded.

After a while, Boun left the HYBE building and TXT went back to practice for another two hours. Dao would see her brother and his soulmate later. Maybe they could have dinner at Neoul's apartment.

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