[12.] Happy Birthday Wishes

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TXT officially debuted two days ago and Dao's birthday was tomorrow but due to the time difference and everyone's different schedules, they were all video-calling Dao today to wish her a happy birthday.

Dao sat on the edge of her bed in the dorm. Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Kai were all playing a game while Soobin and Yeonjun went out to the store to buy some ingredients for dinner. Dao was too tired so she just stayed put.

"Noona, come play with us!" Beomgyu called out to her.

"Play by yourselves, I'll watch," Dao smiled at him.

"Okay, then you can watch me beat them!" Beomgyu grinned.

"In your dreams!" Kai said.

"Come on," Taehyun rolled his eyes. "1, 2, 3..."

Dao watched as Beomgyu tried to cheat, but in the end, Kai won the game. It was amusing and Dao opened her mouth to say something but she was cut off when her phone rang.

"It's probably Soobin hyung calling to say he lost Yeonjun hyung," Beomgyu commented.

"Hopefully it was after they bought us food," Taehyun quipped.

"How's that going to help us?" Kai asked. "The only one who knows how to cook is Yeonjun hyung," he reminded them.

"We're going to starve!" Beomgyu cried out dramatically.

"Seriously, you three?" Dao shook her head at them. She grabbed her phone from the bedside table and was surprised when she didn't see either Soobin or Yeonjun's numbers, instead her brother's name popped up. "It's my brother," Dao told TXT's maknae line.

"Oh... " they mouthed and carried on with their game.

Dao picked up the call and smiled brightly at her big brother, even waving as his face came into focus on the video call. "Hi, hia! Did you miss me?"

Boun chuckled at the site of his sister. "I always miss you! How are you doing? Your face looks thinner, are you eating enough?"

Dao reached a hand up to feel her cheeks. "Does it? I'm okay. I'm still eating the same amount, it's probably just all the dance practices."

"Really?" Boun asked as his eyes searched Dao's face up and down. He looked concerned but then he quickly masked it and smiled again. "Anyway, I'm going to be shooting something with Prem tomorrow. I won't have any time to call you."

"That's okay," Dao shook her head.

"So I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday today," Boun clapped his hands. "I'm gonna sing for you..."

"No, hia! Please don't... P'Boun," Dao trailed off as her brother started to sing happy birthday to her. She tried to hide her face in her hand but failed horribly as Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Heuningkai all looked away from their game and laughed at her from behind her phone.

"Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday, Dear little sister.
Happy Birthday to You."

"Thanks, hia... " Dao said with a sigh, she was embarrassed but happy.

"You're welcome," Boun chuckled. "Anything for my brightest star!"


After Boun's traumatizing phone call, Soobin and Yeonjun came back with dinner. They all ate together before Dao excused herself to get some fresh air. She went out for a walk outside the dorm and to the nearest park. She sat down on a bench and immediately got another video call.

This time Dao answered it without looking. She was startled for a second when her two best friends' faces popped up but without hesitation, she was squealing and grinning happily. Tu and Boss were on the other end.

"Dao!! Dao!!!" Tu waved at her best friend.

"Hi! Hi! Did you miss us?" Boss beamed a smile.

"Of course, I missed you guys! I always miss you two! I wish you were here," Dao pouted.

"We wish we were there too," Tu reassured.

"This is the first birthday where the three of us aren't together," Boss reminded them in a quiet voice. Tu's smile faded at that thought and Dao looked visibly upset. "But it's okay, at least we can still see each other like this," he said and smiled again to try and lighten the mood.

"He's right," Tu agreed. "And besides, we're going to see each other soon!" she said confidently.

"Yeah, as soon as our schedules sync up," Boss nodded.

"I can't wait!" Dao said. "Anyway, how have you guys been without me? Anything interesting happen lately, anything new?"

"How can it when you're all the way over there?" Boss complained.

Tu immediately elbowed him in the ribs. She was sad about Dao too but instead of making the best out of everyone's situation, he was unintentionally making Dao feel worse. Though to be fair, Boss just missed Dao. Everyone who was so much as acquainted with Dao in Thailand missed her like crazy, so obviously, her friends and best friends were no exception.

"We're fine," Tu said saving the conversation. "I have a modeling contract coming up soon and my manager's already booked me a spot in a new series. Boss too, he's getting more attention these days as well."

"Really?" Dao asked, gaining a smile on her face again.

"Yeah," Boss nodded. "I've just signed a contract this morning. I'm going to a photoshoot tomorrow, so we'll see... "

"That's great!"

"Anyway... "Tu said, "we're both gonna be pretty busy tomorrow and we don't know your schedule for the day so we decided to call and wish you a happy birthday!"

"Yeah," Boss agreed. "Our girl's turning twenty! Woah..." he clapped his hands as Tu cheered.

"Let's sing for her," Tu said.

"I'll start... "

"No, guys! Come on, not you two, too... A'Boss! A'Tu! Seriously?" Dao whined but they ignored her and happily sang her the happy birthday song.

Dao stared down at her phone, smiling shyly and rubbing her nose in embarrassment. Why was everyone she knew out to get her like this? But even so, Dao loved it. She loved the attention, the appreciation, and the love everyone was showing her. Actually, she just loved the people in her life.

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