[05.] Practicing For An Audition

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Dao was officially chasing her dreams. She sent two videos to three different k-pop companies. SM, JYP, and Big Hit Labels. One of her dancing and one of her singing. That was about three weeks ago and yesterday Dao was asked to appear for an audition. Both Big Hit Labels and JYP were interested in making her a trainee for their company.

So right now, Dao was rehearsing for her audition that was in two days' time. Noeul offered to help her with it since he was a trainee himself for SM and had only returned to Thailand around six months ago.

Dao couldn't have accepted his offer any faster. Literally though, she jumped at the opportunity and practically knocked both her and Noeul to the ground in the hug that she was giving him.

If anyone in Dao's life had a bigger impact on chasing her dreams than she did it was definitely Noeul. They met when they were fifteen before he went to live in Korea and when he came back they picked up right where they left off in their friendship.

Noeul and Dao were pretty close, he'd always pushed her to not only do what she was good at but to also do what she loves. His constant motivation was probably the only reason Dao ended up sending those videos. Noeul was more than happy to help Dao when she told him the good news.

They'd been going over her audition choreography for the last two hours now. She wanted it to somehow reflect who she was as a person, her personality, and her passion. So it wasn't overly complicated but in no way was it simple either. Of course, Noeul knew exactly what kind of moves to offer up to Dao and quickly she picked the best ones suited for her.

Also, the song she chose for the audition had to give off the same feeling her choreography did, not too fast-paced and not too slow either. Again, Noeul knew just which songs to recommend to Dao and within an hour they pretty much had an idea of what they were doing.

Half the day had flown past with twenty-minute breaks here and there before Dao completely gave up out of exhaustion. Noeul laughed at her but a few seconds later, he joined her on the floor as the two tried to catch their breath.

"What's South Korea like?" she suddenly asked him out of nowhere.

"You've been there before," Noeul said with a chuckle.

Dao turned her head to the side to look at him before rolling her eyes. "I've visited it for like a day, Noeul. I mean what's it like to actually live there?"

"Mostly cold," he replied.

"You're absolutely no help," Dao sighed.

Noeul shook his head tiredly but with a smile. "I'm not kidding! It's really, really cold!" he exclaimed and pretended to shiver. "And if you end up staying there which you probably will," Noeul said having absolute confidence in his friend's skills, "the only advice I have is to never forget your honorifics when it comes to those older than you. Always show respect, it's important! But also, just make mistakes because someone will wind up correcting you sooner or later," Noeul shrugged.

"Okay, now I'm feeling my nerves kick in," Dao muttered and Noeul laughed.

He was actually the one to teach Dao Korean, she'd always wanted to learn the language, and since he was half Korean as well as half Thai. It made him the perfect teacher. But while Dao was pretty fluent in the language she did now and again get confused and make a mistake or two. She's only human, after all.

But forget about the dancing, the singing, the rapping, and the Korean language for a second, she still had no idea how she was going to smooth over the move to Korea if she really passed the audition. Dao was packing her luggage with optimism and pretending that she already knew she'd make it. But how was her brother, Boss, and Tu going to react when that happened? When she didn't come back after a few days?

Besides sleeping out for a movie or series schedule as an actress, Dao had never been away from home for more than three days at a time.

Just as every bad thought to ever occur passed through her mind at lightning speed, Dao's phone chimed with a notification.

She forced herself to sit up through the fatigue she was feeling and she was glad she did. The person messaging her was none other than WWH Jin. Dao smiled as she unlocked her home screen to check on what it was that Jin was texting her about. In the beginning, she couldn't get one word out of him but now she could hardly get him to shut up when he wasn't busy on his side of the world.


- there's a fan meeting in two days for our latest album

I bet you didn't know that, did you?

Maybe you're not busy and want to come

I'm bored!!!
Hurry up and text me back!




And boy did he like to spam Dao whenever she didn't answer him fast enough. He was like a kid in that way and it only made Dao end up liking him more. He wasn't the serious type all of the time but rather he could be pretty childish, which made him really fun to talk to.

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