[21.] Going To America

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Dao was packing the last of her things for TXT's American tour. The dinner with BTS went rather well and Dao could already tell that besides Jin obviously, Jimin was going to be her next favorite member of the Bangtan boys.

He was easy to get along with but still straight to the point with the questions that he wanted to know about Dao and Jin. He was really playful and teasing with the way he'd ask those questions but underneath it, Dao could read the concern behind the things that he wanted to know. The things every member of BTS wanted to know. After all, they were just looking out for their hyung. They were a family.

Dao zipped up her metal suitcase as she glanced up and watched as Soobin helped Kai fold his clothes and fit them into his own suitcase. Yeonjun was making them something to eat with the little help that Beomgyu was to him. Beomgyu honestly liked to tease his hyung more than he actually liked to help him, right up until Yeonjun picked up the first object he could find and tried to hit Beomgyu with it. Then Beomgyu would run to Dao to save him and she'd have to calm Yeonjun down and disarm him. And Taehyun was looking at something on his phone. Dao knew out of all of them, Taehyun was the most nervous about their small tour.

"You okay?" Dao asked and went to sit down next to Taehyun.

He looked away from his phone and nodded at her with a smile.

"I'm fine, noona," he reassured her. "I was just looking up some stuff about each of the cities we'd be stopping in. Did you know it was announced that BTS will be in Chicago too? On the same day and performing on the same stage as us."

"Yeah, I read it somewhere," Dao said.

That was a lie. Jin had told her about it when she told him about TXT going on their first American tour. She was too excited knowing that even though she was leaving two days before Jin and BTS, she'd still end up in the same place as him anyway. She'd get to see him in America even if they had to sneak around. She could also, depending on TXT's schedule, attend BTS's fan signing. It would have to be in disguise obviously and with a face mask, her hair tied up, and maybe a hoodie or a baseball cap.

"I'm more nervous now," Taehyun admitted and let a small laugh escape his lips.

Dao smiled at him and hugged him from the side with a hand rubbing at his arm.

"It'll be okay. They're human too," she reminded the younger boy.

Taehyun didn't say anything and just nodded.

Beomgyu ran into the room and immediately fell down beside Dao. He grabbed her arm and hid behind her back as Yeonjun came running out with a sieve in his hand. He stopped in front of the two and before Dao and Taehyun could catch up with what was happening, Yeonjun hit Beomgyu on the head lightly.

"Ah, hyung!" he exclaimed.

Dao and Taehyun shared a look before both shrugging in sync. Taehyun went back to scrolling through his phone as Dao pretended to check Beomgyu's head for a bump. He whined like a little kid and Dao hugged him as Yeonjun rolled his eyes.

"He was no help! He splashed me with water!" Yeonjun complained.

"Noona?" Beomgyu looked at her with puppy eyes.

Dao shook her head at the two.

"I'll help," she offered Yeonjun and guided the boy back into the kitchen as Soobin took her place on the couch as he looked through the schedule for their tour.

"What are we making?" Dao asked as Yeonjun went back over to the stove.

"Tteokbokki," he replied. "Can you please wash the vegetables? And not with soap like Beomgyu wanted to do."

Dao laughed and glanced back at said boy who was hanging off of Kai's shoulders and bugging Taehyun.

"I can't believe he did that."

"Yeah, well he did," Yeonjun muttered. "I can't believe my whole life I've wanted brothers and now that I have them... " he shook his head.

"You love them," Dao finished for him and Yeonjun sighed.

"Mm, they just drive me a bit crazy sometimes. At least I'm not lonely anymore," he suddenly smiled and bumped his shoulder with Dao's. "I even got an older sister."

"Lucky you."


After lunch was finished and no one was murdered, they all ate together and then went to take a rest before their flight left. Dao went for a short walk to digest the food because there was no way she could sleep on a full stomach. She made it to her regular spot at the closest park and sat down on the bench.

It was like it was a magical place because whenever she was here she'd get a call from home. Dao reached for her buzzing phone and pulled it out of her hoodie's pocket. It was her brother face-timing her. She swiped the answer button and smiled as Boun's face appeared.

"Hia, I miss you," Dao immediately whined.

Boun laughed. "I miss you too. What are you doing?"

"I just had lunch. What about you?"

"I just finished a scene with Prem. We're going to head home soon, but I remembered the time difference so I wanted to see how you were doing," Boun explained.

Dao nodded. "I'm fine, hia. I just ate a bit too much so I came to take a walk before I go back to the dorm and sleep until our flight leaves."

"Oh, right. For how long?" Boun asked.

"Two weeks. Six cities in two weeks," Dao recited like she'd been saying that phrase for a while now, which she had.

"That's not a lot of time for six cities, is it?"

"It's not too bad," Dao shrugged. "The cities aren't too far apart and besides, it's our first mini tour so the opportunity is more important than the time. We've honestly been practicing like crazy for it. We've practiced so hard that I'm starting to do the choreography in my sleep."

"Oh, my sister has it so hard," Boun teased her with a smile.

Dao pouted at him and nodded her head.

"I'm getting a break for a week after this series. It'll be in about three weeks' time so by the time you're finished your tour I'll be coming to Korea for a visit."

"Really?" Dao asked sitting up straight on the bench and getting excited. Her face brightened up and Boun grinned at her as he nodded his head.

"Yeah, are you happy?"

"What kind of question is that, hia? Of course, I'm happy!" Dao exclaimed. "That's the best news ever. Is P'Prem coming with you?"

"Mm," Boun hummed.

Dao stood up and did a happy dance right there and then. Boun's camera view got blurred while she did it but he knew exactly what was happening and just chuckled.

"Hey, I can't see anything!" he called out after a minute.

"Sorry, hia," Dao apologized and held the phone up to her face again. "I'm just really happy. I can't wait to see you and P'Prem again!"

"I'm glad."

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