[03] From Jin's POV

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Jin said he was going to ignore Dao, but it was like he wasn't in control of himself. He ended up eating more of the food she recommended to him and it didn't matter if it was on a Vlive or just for a regular day's meal.

He was doing a Vlive a week later, a mukbang by himself while answering fan questions.

"Some fans are asking why are you eating foods you hated before?" Jin read from the comment section. He just smiled as he said, "Change happens, that's all!"

He then swallowed a mouthful of oysters before clapping his hands enthusiastically. Everyone knew that Jin hated oysters normally but now he was willingly eating them and even enjoying them. It was crazy.

Three weeks later, Jin was at home and Jimin and Jungkook decided to visit him. They were sitting in the living room as Jungkook played around with Jin's guitar. Jin was finishing up his lunch before they had to go out for the day to a photo shoot.

"It's so weird," Jimin complained as he hugged his knees to his chest. "You used to hate the sight of oysters before. You also never used to eat a lot of steaks either. But now, every single day the only thing I eat here is steak. I'm gonna faint soon," Jimin whined.

"Why are you complaining?" Jin asked. "I don't make you eat my food! You come here every day and eat it without my permission! Is it my fault my food's no longer to your liking?! I'm trying to be healthier and eat more protein! For your information, this is delicious!" Jin exclaimed and waved around the steak on his fork. "It's yummy!" he bit into it. "The best thing I've ever tasted!"

"What's gotten into you lately?" Jimin muttered under his breath.

He and Jungkook watched as Jin gobbled the rest of his lunch down like it was his last meal. Jungkook would have definitely said something about it but after the last time, he'd learned his lesson and was refusing to get a repeated lecture because of it.

A few days later, BTS went out to eat and Jin attempted to try the last meal on Dao's list of favorite foods. They were doing a live so he was determined to try his best and not think about the shrimp, fish balls, and elephant garlic entering his mouth.

None of his members understood why Jin was suddenly pushing himself to eat these things that he obviously didn't like but they had to admit, it was amusing for them to watch. Namjoon and Jimin were cringing as soon as Jin closed his mouth. The oldest got as far as a single chew before he was coughing and spluttering at the taste. He threw himself sideways and quickly spat out the food as BTS laughed at him.

Jin obviously tried his best, but in the end, he really just couldn't do it.

Then a month later while waiting to film their new music video, a camera for behind-the-scenes footage was put in front of him. Jin smiled proudly as he looked into the lens, he'd just finished reading one of Dao's daily text messages and he was happy with himself. He still wasn't replying to her texts but still somehow indirectly talking to her through his Vlives.

"I've accomplished something big today," Jin told the camera. "I've made someone happy so I'm happy too," he nodded.

"Who did you make happy, Jin-ssi?" one of the staff asked.

Jin smiled, "I'm not telling you... it's only for me to know."


It had officially been a year since the two met. Jin had just finished recording his part for their latest song when he went into his room and collapsed on his bed. Since early this morning, he'd already realized what day it was and honestly, he was wondering if Dao remembered it too. Speaking of which, he hadn't had one of her daily texts yet.

He pulled out his phone from his back pocket and started typing away.

"I'll just give her another long message that I'll never end up sending," Jin muttered.

Dao (Kid)

- This is the day I gave you my number!!!
Ha! I bet you didn't remember, did you?
I have a photographic memory! You can't beat me!

He played with the different emojis at the end, but just like always he didn't send it and instead erased it.

Jin sighed, "She's probably used to being on seen by now."

But what if she gets tired of talking to someone who never talks back to her? I've been ignoring her for a year now but I read her texts every day. What if she just stops? Do I want her to stop? I don't think I do, Jin thought.

Dao's already eighteen and she'll be nineteen soon, but she's still so young. What if she isn't being sincere towards me?

"Aigoo, Jin!" Jin scolded himself as he ran his fingers harshly through his hair. "She's been talking to you for a year already! Never demanding a reply, not even once! What the hell do I mean not sincere?!"

It's time to man up Jin-ssi!

How can Jin own up to being the older one between them when Dao has more guts than he does?

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