[06.] Leaving Thailand, Nailing The Audition

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It was the night before Dao's flight to Korea, she was packing the last of her things as well as comforting her brother and Boss just in case she succeeded in passing the audition. It sounded crazy that she had to stop two boys from crying just so she could follow through with her dreams, but that's exactly what she was doing.

It wasn't because they weren't happy for her, no it was the complete opposite. They were happy but also sad that her dreams led her so far away from them. Tu was going to meet Dao at the airport tomorrow morning to send her off but for right now Dao had these two to deal with.

She was in her room but as fast as she was packing things into her suitcase Boss was taking them out again. He was being childish. It wasn't that he didn't want her to leave, but it was that once she left he wouldn't be able to physically see Dao for months, maybe even a year. Boss didn't like that idea, he was never good when it came to sudden changes in life. Especially in his life.

"Boss!" Dao exclaimed. She quickly grabbed the jacket he was trying to put back into her closet and threw it behind her. "What are you doing? Stop it!"

Boss gave her an exasperated laugh before quickly pouting in defeat. "How are you leaving already? Can't you just stay another week?"

"My audition's tomorrow afternoon," Dao explained. "I can't stay even a day longer, let alone a whole week. Besides, you'll barely miss me when you get back on schedule," she reminded him.

It was kind of a wholesome coincidence that almost every single person in Dao's life was either an actor or actress. Her brother was an actor and model, Tu was an actress and model, Boss was an actor and model, and even Noeul was beginning his career as a Thai actor. It was crazy but at least they could all relate to one another.

Boss had an upcoming series scheduled and so by this time next week, whether Dao was here or not, he wouldn't have time for her anyway. He completely forgot about that and suddenly felt even worse than before.

"Ahhhh!" Boss groaned as he fell back against the wall.

Dao laughed at him as she began to pack again, except this time, Boss decided to help her instead of hindering her

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Dao laughed at him as she began to pack again, except this time, Boss decided to help her instead of hindering her. He grabbed a bag from the closet and stuffed it with all of the plushies Dao was taking with her. She loved her plushies dearly. She couldn't survive without them.

Boss loved his best friend but if there was one thing he knew for sure it was that the last thing Dao needed in this life was more toys and plushies. She had way too many already. And every time they went out to the arcade she'd make Boss play the claw machines to get her yet another one.

Though if there was ever a get-out-of-jail-free card when it came to Dao, it was to simply buy her a plushie, and no matter how mad she was she'd forgive that person instantly.

Boun lives by this code whenever he accidentally upsets his sister.

From downstairs in the living room, Boun looked up from where he was sitting on the floor

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From downstairs in the living room, Boun looked up from where he was sitting on the floor. Suddenly, two suitcases, three duffel bags, and Dao's human-sized bear plushie came falling down and landing with a thud. Dao stood on the top step of the staircase with a proud look on her face.

"Hia, I think I've got everything now!" she called down to Boun.

"Really?" he stared up at her in disbelief. "Who taught you to throw things down a staircase like that? You could've given me a heart attack!"

Dao rolled her eyes. "Stop being so dramatic, it was the fastest way! I don't want to burn any unnecessary energy before tomorrow," she explained before sliding down the staircase railing and landing a foot away from her brother.

Boun shook his head but didn't comment back as he held out a small blue plushie to his sister. Dao frowned for a second before quickly a smile spread across her face. It was Arthit. The Guntachai siblings good luck charm whenever something big was happening in their lives and they were nervous about it.

The doll had been through everything with them; since Boun's first day at preschool to his and Dao's first individual acting jobs. Now he was giving Arthit to Dao to take with her for this new change in her life, she was definitely returning Arthit but for now, she probably needed all the luck she could get.

"I'm going to miss you the most, Hia," Dao admitted as she sat down beside her big brother and hugged him.

"I should hope so," Boun chuckled before giving her a kiss on the head.


After all the tears, mostly from Tu and Boss, Dao left for Korea the next morning. She'd been so scared and excited for the past week already. Boun promised that no matter what, he'd always be proud of her (just in case she failed the audition) while Noeul was so full of confidence in Dao that the last thing he said was phone me when you move into the trainees' dorm.

Also, in the last two to three days, Dao hadn't really spoken much to Jin. She'd been practicing so hard for the audition that she only managed to text him back every third or fourth time he texted her.

Jin wanted Dao to attend the fan meeting for BTS's latest album, but she told him that she was busy and didn't have time for it. But really, even if she passed or failed this audition she'd still be going one way or another.

 If Dao failed, she couldn't have flown all the way to Korea for nothing, right?

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