1x11: We're gonna need a spotlight

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Amelia rubbed her eyes walking with Hope. "Did you seriously have to slap me to wake me up?"

"You weren't waking up. For a dog, I would have expected you to wake up from the bell ringing," Hope shrugged.

"A dog!? Did you just call me a dog!? Excuse me, I am not a dog! I'm a werewolf. That is the most offensive term you can call a werewolf." Amelia rambled. Hope groaned walking away to meet Dorian and Alaric. "I am not done!" Amelia frowned trailing behind Hope who shook her head.

Amelia stopped rambling crossing her arms when they met up with Alaric and Dorian. "Sounds like the trap worked," Hope said. They all nodded walking in silence towards the woods.

"Why do you look so grumpy?" Alaric asked. Amelia rolled her eyes.

"Well for starters, it's late at night genius," Amelia grumbled walking beside Hope.

"Don't mind her, she's just upset because I called her a dog," Hope sighed. Amelia was about to answer when Hope spoke, "Don't you dare start that rant again,"

"Don't you dare start that rant again" Amelia mimicked mumbling about how Hope was a werewolf too.

"I know this is important, but you couldn't have put pants on first?" Hope asked Alaric who kept his eyes straight ahead.

"Little early for snark, Hope," Alaric said.

"It is never too early for snark," Amelia answered to which Alaric shook his head.

"Any guesses on what famous monster from Filmland we get to slay today?" Dorian spoke up. Amelia's eyes widened in excitement.

"Can it be the tooth fairy? I'm still wondering why I didn't get a stupid coin under my bed. I totally got robbed!" Amelia said. Hope smiled slightly at Amelia.

"With our luck? It would be Cthullu," Alaric scoffed.

"Cthulhu is cool too," Amelia mumbled before yawning. They heard a horse sputtering.

"False alarm. It is just a horse. Must've gotten out of the stable and wandered across the barrier spell," Dorian said as they all took a step forward.

"I woke up and got slapped for a fucking horse!?" Amelia whined.

"Except we don't have a white horse, Ames," Hope said suspiciously. Amelia tilted her head confused by the nickname but she did love it coming out of Hope's mouth nonetheless.

The Horse then turned around revealing a horn on its head. Amelia smiled widely while Hope gasped. "It's a unicorn? What the fuck!" Amelia said shocked. The unicorn took a step forward making Dorian and Alaric hold their weapons up.

Hope and Amelia frowned before going in between the unicorn and them. "Hey! Wait Wait. Hold your fire!" Hope said placing her hands up.

"Or hold your horses," Amelia joked. "No but seriously, you two hurt the innocent creature and I'll hurt both of you and we both know I can take both of you at the same time," Amelia threatened.

Amelia couldn't deny it but she too was protective over it. After all, it is causing no harm besides it looked adorable. "It's a monster, Hope. It's here to take the artifact,"

"You're not seriously suggesting we kill a unicorn?" Hope defended. Amelia nodded.

"She has a point," Amelia said.

"I'm suggesting we don't give it a pass because it's cute," Dorian said warily.

"He also has a point there..." Amelia said. Hope glared at her making Amelia nod and clearing her throat.

THE TRIBRID - hope mikaelson | LEGACIESDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora