1X12: There's a mummy on main street

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"Do you guys ever miss Jed?" Oliver asked frowning. Jennifer, Amelia, and him were currently sitting down as the pack plays dodgeball.

Jennifer and Amelia share a glance. "All the time Tommy," Amelia chuckles and Jennifer agrees. Yeah, Amelia was upset when he had beaten Landon but Jed was her close friend. She couldn't help but miss him sometimes. Hopefully, he'll come back.

Oliver grumbles under his breath. "I told you not to call me that!" Oliver sighs. Amelia chuckles ruffling his hair.

"Too bad Tommy," She smiles before running to play dodgeball with the pack. Oliver rolls his eyes playfully and Jennifer laughs placing an arm around his shoulder.

They sat in silence for awhile before Oliver spoke up. "Do you think Lia's okay?" Oliver frowns watching the pack play dodgeball. "She looks different ever since her dad came to life and left again, I don't think she's getting enough sleep,"

Jennifer glances at Amelia and sighs. "She's also been asking for coffee alot recently. I tried talking to her about it Oli, but she just shrugged it off. Probably stressing out from Malivore and possibly her dad returning from the dead. We'll keep an eye on her and do something if it gets too much," Jennifer smiles softly.

They both looked at Amelia in concern, her smile always seemed forced nowadays, when confronted by either of them, she always told them it was nothing. It was worrying.

Josie and Lizzie went to Amelia pulling her aside to talk to her. Oliver glanced at Jennifer had sat up straighter when Josie came in.

"What happened to you and Josie? You two were hooking up, right? now you can barely look at her," Oliver asked curiously. Jennifer froze.

"Nothing." She lied. Oliver looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Shut up, don't give me that look," Jennifer shoved him and he chuckled.

She sighed. "She kissed Penelope," Oliver widened his eyes before it turned into one of curiosity.

"I thought you two weren't official?"

"We aren't! that's the shit part Oli! " Jennifer exclaimed in frustration. "I don't know, it just felt like a betrayal or something," Oliver nodded understandingly.

"You should talk to her,"

Jennifer groaned. "I know! But I don't know how to bring it up without seeming like I'm overreacting," Oliver patted her shoulder.

"You'll figure it out. You two are technically both at fault here. None of you talked about what you two were," Oliver chuckled. Jennifer nodded.

Amelia came up to them and smiled, "I'm going to go on a road trip, any of you wanna come?" Oliver glanced at Jennifer and shoved her towards Amelia who stifled a laugh.

Jennifer glared at both of them, "I guess you're coming then" Amelia laughed not taking no for an answer. "What about you Tommy?" Amelia asked.

Oliver sighed and shook his head "I'll take care of the pack." Oliver smiled. Amelia nodded walking off. Jennifer glared at him and he shrugged. "Maybe you and Josie can finally talk about it,"

Jennifer huffs and follows Amelia not before flipping Oliver off. "Love you too Jen Jen!" Oliver yells and laughs receiving another middle finger. Jennifer hated being called Jen Jen.


Since there wasn't enough space, Amelia had suggested for Josie to sit on Jennifer's lap to which Jennifer had retorted by suggesting Hope sit on Amelia's lap which had earned her a slap on her head.

This has led Hope to sit on Amelia's lap and Josie sitting on Jennifers, the four of them being a blushing mess.

"I hate you," Amelia whispers to Jennifer while the rest were talking amongst themselves. Jennifer scoffed.

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