Grace O' 2.

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When you have someone like Platinum, you get answers really quickly.

"There are 7 people on the Grace Committee. Apparently they fill the roles of 7 important groups that the Grace Kingdom blessed. The groups are the Night 5, the Oni Tribes, the Moonlings, the Willowbenders, the Silent Blades, the Tribe of Common and the Outcasters." Blue hummed as she looked over the Sinnoh Wave's shoulder at the book in her hands.

"Interesting. Does it tell you anything about how to find them?"

"Sorta. It tells about most of them. The Night 5's member has a mastery of their group or has an outstanding difference from other Night 5 members. The Oni has a detailed prowess of Grace magic and is a guardian of one of the Grace Landmarks. The Moonling member has a sacred ability that is usually a rare skill of the group. The Tribe of Common's member has an extremely powerful mind and is able to get out of situations. The Outcasters are typically from another world." She hummed. "It doesn't say about the others." Blue hummed.

"Then let's track these guys down."


Finding the Night 5 Committee Member wasn't hard. When you have members in each group, it was easy to pin the person that stood out.

"You sure it's Chili?" Cedar nodded.

"He's the only person that's both a Hunter and Covenant but isn't a Four~5." Blue paused

"Does that make a difference?" Dijon nodded.

"The Four~5s is the only group that crosses the border between Night 5 Sections. Like Covenants can't be physical like Hunters while Hunters can't cast like Covenants. The Four~5s break those laws. But Chili isn't a Four~5 because he's not a Spiritweaver, Skybender or Guider. You have to be all 5 to be one." Cedar hummed as they arrived at the damp region. Blake waved as he ran over.


Chili hadn't moved too far from where Blake last saw him, which was at the diner. He was in the kitchen when they entered.

"Hey Chili." He glanced at the group.

"Hey. What's up?" Cedar hummed before showing his Covenant Mark.

"Can we talk?"


Chili sighed at their words.

"Yeah... I know. I wasn't trying to hide it. The Grace Kingdom was concerned about the lack of a Coven or Hunt in the south. So he gave me the blessing to help try and restore it. But it hasn't been working..." He sighed as Blue paused.

"So you admit it?"

"It's not like I can hide it. The reason I was chosen is hard to hide." He huffed as he glanced at his hot chocolate. Cedar rubbed his back as he put his head down.

"It'll be ok. We'll figure it out." Chili hummed softly as Blue paused.


Finding the Moonling was easy. According to Diamond, The three rare skills were Nocturnal for Werebeasts, Aimer for Avialins and Poisonous for Viperia. Tempesta knew an Avialin that had the Aimer ability. So while Diamond looked into the others, they went to the Aimer Avialin. Tempesta led them up to the Avia Kingdom as an archer aimed somewhere south. Red had joined them to help with identifying the Aimer, so turning on his aimer sight allowed him to see what the archer was aiming at. Even more so, see an aimer line. Tempesta gulped.

"There he is." They paused as he fired at the south, a soft hum following the arrow. A scream followed, allowing the archer to lower his bow before turning off his aimer sight. He then turned to the group.



Masamune yawned as they talked.

"Yeah... I'm the Moonling of the group. I don't try hard to hide it since I tend to be forgotten by the other council." Red paused.

"Really?" Masamune nodded softly.

"I'm not hurt by it. It helps protect our legacy longer if I'm not in the picture." He sighed as he looked at the sky. "I haven't been interrupted yet, so I've been good."


They were able to find the Outcaster before the next meeting. They weren't that hard to find.

"This is the reason why I want to go HOME!"

Blue chuckled at Welfort's Mystery Boy as he hissed at Pebble's laughter. It was no secret that Aether wasn't from this world and this just proved it.


"If you don't shut up, I am leaving."

Pebble had yet to stop laughing at Aether's threats. They sounded empty, but he wasn't joking. Blue finally spoke.

"So you're familiar with the Grace Kingdom?" Aether paused before nodding.

"Told me I'd get a new life. I was so torn down by getting dumped here that I was praying for a new life. And now I'm free... for now..." Blue hummed as he zoned out, no doubt getting dragged into the past. Red pulled him into a hug, letting him release his bad emotions.


At the meeting, they relayed the info. Aether admitted not meeting the current Grace Ruler and that left them on square one since the others had said the same. Platinum hummed.

"We still have the Oni, Willowbender, Silent Blade and the Tribe of Common." Cedar hummed.

"I don't know how well this'll help, but the Tribe of Common was once on the Isle of Grace before it was attacked." Red hummed.

"Attacked?" Cedar nodded.

"The Grace Kingdom created the Isle and two other landmarks to represent something from its Kingdom. I don't know what the other two are, but the Isle represents the Night 5. There were 6 groups; 5 for the Night 5 and the last for the rest of the world. The Tribe was that last group. They may still be in Aloje." Porcelain hummed.

"They're still in Kithicor. They've been hiding in a forest until the Isle is restored." The others hummed as Green hummed.

"We'll have to keep looking for the others."

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