Train Fight and Ruins

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A horn sounded as a young girl made her way across the road looking for her sister. It was a dreary day in London, when wasn't it. The young girl called for her sister "Susan!" 

The dark haired brunette older sister whipped around and looked at her sister "what is it Lucy?" 

"Peter's fighting again." Susan and Lucy both rolled their eyes before running back across the street and to the train station. They ran down the steps and saw that there was a massive crowd surrounding two fighting boys one of which was the blonde haired Peter Pevensie. 

Edmund then got involved to help protect Peter while their oldest brother Tyler looked at them. As the fight separated the five Pevensies went and sat on the bench. Susan stared at Peter "what happened?" 

"He bumped me" the second oldest Pevensie spoke as he paced. 

"So you hit him?" Lucy asked him incredulously. 

"No," Peter spoke turning around and facing his four siblings. "After he bumped me, they tried to make me apologize. Treat me like a kid." 

Edmund looked at his older brother "we are kids." 

"I wasn't always," Peter spoke loudly and Tyler understood where he was coming from. 

"Enough," the oldest Pevensie finally spoke as all of his siblings turned to look at him. "Peter and I have always had a harder time coming back from Narnia because that's where we felt the most at home." The oldest sibling looked at Susan "and getting mad at Peter for it is not going to make it any better." 

Peter nodded his thanks to his older brother glad to have someone that understands what it's like to not feel like you belong where you are or even in your body. But still Peter couldn't help but feel envious of his older brother. Tyler always had people all over him male or female, he could always talk his way out of anything, and he could lie like no one's business. 

His brother was a sight with his dark brown hair and hazel eyes that always somehow either convinced you to do what he asked or tell the truth. Tyler joined his siblings on the train bench and sighed because he did miss Narnia. Suddenly Lucy stood up "ow, stop pinching me." 

Then Peter and Tyler as well "stop pulling us." 

Susan and Edmund then stood up as well and the five siblings watched stunned as the train went right by them. Susan looked at her siblings "quick, everyone hold hands." Peter grabbed Tyler's hand who grabbed Edmund's as the wind picked up. 

They watched stunned and horrified as the train sped right by them and the train station fell apart and collapsed revealing a cave which led to a beach with clear skies and water. The five stared stunned before they all smiled at each other then raced to the water. 

Peter and Tyler both looked at Edmund when he didn't respond "where do you suppose we are?"

"Narnia, duh." Peter replied like that answer should have been obvious. 

Edmund looked back away "I don't remember any ruins in Narnia." All four other Pevensies looked up to the cliff and were stunned to see the ruins of what looked like a castle. They ventured up to the ruins and Peter walked with Tyler as they all looked around. 

Peter spoke to his older brother "why do you think we were called?"

"I don't know," Tyler sighed as they continued through the ruins. "All I know is that we wouldn't have been transported here if they weren't desperate." 

Peter nodded before they walked over to Susan who had found a gold chess piece making all three boys come over as Edmund spoke "hey, that's mine." 

Peter looked confused "which chess set?" 

"I didn't exactly have a solid gold chess set in Finchley, did I?" Tyler snorted as Lucy's eyes widened. 

Lucy raced over to a platform overlooking overgrown vegetation and concrete stubs with the others following her "don't you see." 

Peter and Tyler looked at each other and then at Lucy "what?" 

Lucy rolled her eyes as she placed Peter in front of her, she then moved to place Tyler in the middle next to Peter "imagine walls." She placed Susan next to Tyler "and columns, there." She then placed Edmund next to Peter before standing next to Susan herself "and a glass roof." 

Tyler and Peter didn't need her to finish as they stared with stunned and horrified eyes. "Cair Paravel," both spoke as Tyler couldn't help the tears forming in his eyes. 

Peter looked at his older brother "who would do something like this?" 

"I don't know, but I intend to find out." As Tyler looked out across the ruins of the castle that used to be his home, he couldn't help the wave of rage and hatred that appeared. How dare someone destroy his home? He vowed that before he left Narnia again, he would find whoever did it and he would make sure that they paid for it. 

Tyler was always known as the silent killer and the ruthless Pevensie sometimes having to be brought back by his siblings so when he thought that someone was going to pay for destroying the place that he had found a home in, he meant it. 

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