Arguments, The White Witch, and Talks

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The ride back to the How was absolute silence as Peter hung back with Susan and Caspian rode with Tyler. Caspian could see how much of a toll leaving had taken on the High King. He could see the tear tracks streaming down his face. Caspian sighed "it's not your fault." 

"Yes it is." Tyler simply spoke. "They trusted me and my siblings to protect them and we couldn't do that." 

They got back to the How and walked towards it dejectedly as Lucy came out "what happened?" 

Peter pointed to Caspian "ask him." 

Tyler sighed knowing that this was going to start an argument yet again. "Me?" Caspian spoke as he stopped walking. "You could've called it off. There was time." 

"Thanks to you there wasn't," Peter moved closer to Caspian. "If you'd just kept to the plan those soldiers might still be alive." 

"If you'd just stayed here like I suggested, they definitely would be!" 

Peter looked at him "you called us remember." 

"My first mistake," Caspian spoke ignoring the fact that either way he was lying given that he never would have met Tyler. 

Peter sighed "no, your first mistake was thinking you could lead these people." 

He then started to walk away making Caspian yell "hey!" Peter turned suddenly to look at him. "I am not the one who abandoned Narnia." 

Tyler immediately knew that was the wrong thing to say to Peter right now. "You invaded Narnia. You have no more right to lead it than Miraz does." Peter spoke as Caspian walked past him. "You, him, your father. Narnia's better off without the lot of you." 

Tyler wasn't surprised when they both had pulled swords and rested them at each other's throat. Tyler stepped forward "enough, you two." Caspian and Peter both looked at Tyler. "You're both right." Tyler looked at Peter "you should have pulled back when we still had time." Tyler then turned to look at Caspian "but you shouldn't have let your anger get the best of you and woken up Miraz. Now stop it." 

Everyone walked into the How as Peter and Caspian headed into separate sides of the How trying to keep as much distance from each other as possible. Caspian was looking at the drawings of the Pevensies and was lingering on one specific one, Tyler. There was something about the brunette male Pevensie that Caspian was interested in. 

He thought back to what Tyler had said outside and maybe the resilient High King was right. Maybe he did let his emotions get the best of him in waking up Miraz but if he agreed with that then he'd have to admit to himself that he was part of the reason that so many Narnians were dead. Caspian was happy to think about one thing though which was the way that Tyler had his back in the bedroom and killed his aunt when she shot him. That situation somehow made the Telmarine prince like the High King even more. 

He was startled from his thoughts when Nikabrik spoke "are you so glad of that magic horn now, boy?" Everything in Caspian was telling him not to trust Nikabrik but he looked anyway. "Your kings and queens have failed us. Your army's half dead. And those that aren't will be soon enough." 

"What do you want?" Caspian spoke in a snarky tone not willing to give an inch of trust. "Congratulations." 

"You want your uncle's blood." Nikabrik spoke as he looked at Caspian. "So do we." Caspian looked at him confused "you want his throne? We can get it for you." Nikabrik walked into the room with Caspian following him "you tried one ancient power. It failed. But there is a power greater still. One that kept even Aslan at bay for near a hundred years." 

Caspian suddenly pulled a sword as he heard growling before a bear appeared along with a hag women and Caspian immediately felt that this was a really bad idea. Caspian looked at them "and you can guarantee Miraz's death." 

The hag nodded "and more." Caspian sheathed his sword as the hag spoke again "let the circle be drawn." She started to draw a circle in chalk while speaking in a foreign language. Caspian watched as he was circled in before the hag took the staff she was holding and slammed it into the ground.

Ice spread until there was a wall of it standing there in front of the prince. In the wall of ice stood the one person that he knew could give him what he wanted but also cause problems. Caspian gasped as his hand was cut and he was forced to hold his hand in offering for the White Witch. "Stop." Caspian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Peter, Lucy, and Tyler. 

Caspian was suddenly pushed to the ground by both Peter and Tyler who had their swords outstretched towards the White Witch. Caspian sat up and watched as the White Witch spoke "Peter, Tyler dears. I've missed you." Tyler gagged and wasted no time slamming his sword into the ice causing the White Witch to disappear. 

The next morning Caspian sat on the How looking out on the battlefield. Caspian sighed as Tyler came and joined him. Tyler sat down and Caspian couldn't help but start talking "I'm sorry. For everything. I shouldn't have woken Miraz with my anger and I shouldn't of entertained Nikabrik." 

"It's alright," Tyler smiled making Caspian confused. "We've been gone for so long it's hard to come back and not be in the same position especially when we blame ourselves." 

Caspian nodded "you know you were always my favorite in the stories matter of fact I developed a liking for you that's more than being friends." 

"I did the same thing," Caspian's head whipped to Tyler as he spoke. "I've tried to fight liking you as more than a friend the entire time which obviously hasn't worked out so well." 

Caspian smiled before deciding that he didn't want to wait so he placed a hand on Tyler's jaw gently and looked at Tyler who nodded. Tyler and Caspian both leaned in and their lips connected in a soft and gentle kiss which didn't last long but had both royals pull back smiling. Caspian slipped his hand into Tyler's and spoke after he went back to staring at the woods "Peter still doesn't like me." 

"Peter doesn't particularly like anyone plus I think he blames himself the most." Tyler looked at Caspian "You're trying to get Narnia back that puts you in my good books along with most of my siblings." Caspian smiled and shook his head before kissing Tyler once more and then staring out on the grass smiling. 

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