Aslan and The Glade

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The five Pevensie siblings were currently following Peter who insisted on showing the way to absolutely no one's surprise probably considering the fact that he could be quite arrogant at times. Nevertheless, all of the Pevensie siblings including Tyler followed along as he thought about the past. 

He thought about the beavers, Tumnus, and of course Aslan but couldn't help and shake that something was wrong. He didn't know what to make of the idea of a Telmarine prince that was supposed to become the next king of Narnia especially considering the fact that the High King was fiercely protective of his people so to hear that a Telmarine was planning on saving them. Yeah, Tyler didn't quite by that and he wasn't sure that Peter did either. 

Peter and Tyler were always the ones that felt most at home in Narnia so hearing that someone had invaded and basically wiped out their land made them both seethe with anger. Tyler was just better at hiding it.  They made it to the edge of a cliff when Lucy suddenly stopped them "Aslan?" Lucy asked it questioningly which made the other four siblings look at her and then where she was looking. 

Peter sighed "I'm sure there are any number of lions in these woods. Just like that bear." 

"He was there," Lucy spoke adamantly. "He wanted us to follow him."  Susan, Peter, and Tyler all exchanged looks as Lucy continued "I think I know Aslan when I see him." 

"Look, I'm not about to jump off a cliff after someone who doesn't exist." Trumpkin spoke causing all five siblings to turn to him. 

Peter looked back at Lucy and sighed "look we're not about to fall off a cliff just because one of us thinks we saw Aslan." 

Tyler sighed already fed up with this conversation "look, I agree with Peter. Not because I don't believe Lucy but because if we want to help Narnia we need to be alive to do it not at the bottom of a cliff." With that the six of them headed off with Peter and Tyler walking together. 


Caspian had just walked into the glade and was immediately hounded by the surviving Narnians who were all chanting "Telmarine! Liar!" Caspian whirled around looking at all of them still partially unable to believe that they truly still existed. 

He suddenly heard Nikabrik "all this horn proves is they've stolen yet another thing from us!" 

"I didn't steal anything." Caspian spoke calmly no matter how much he wanted to scream and run. 

"Didn't steal anything?" A minotaur looked at him in disbelief. "Shall we list the things the Telmarines have taken?" 

Caspian whirled around as the Narnians listed everything that they had lost to his people "our homes! Our land! Our freedom! Our lives! You stole Narnia." 

Caspian got enraged before saying "you would hold me accountable for all the crimes of my people?" 

"Accountable..." Nikabrik spoke as he walked towards Caspian. "And punishable." 

Reepicheep suddenly got involved "that is rich coming from you, dwarf. Or have you forgotten that it was your people that fought with the White Witch." 

Caspian heard the name before and remembered it from the stories his professor had told him. He remembered that it had been Tyler and Aslan who had killed her. Nikabrik spoke angrily "and I'd gladly do it again, if it would rid us of these barbarians." 

"Then it is lucky it's not in your power to bring her back," Caspian whipped around as the Badger suddenly spoke up. "Or are you suggesting that we ask this boy to go against Aslan now?" People started roaring in displeasure at the mention of Aslan. "Some of you have forgotten but we badgers remember well. Narnia was never right except when a Son of Adam was king." 

"Then bring back the Kings and Queens of Old" one of the centaurs yelled out. 

Caspian suddenly had enough "that's what this horn can do. Beyond these woods I am a prince. The Telmarine throne is rightfully mine!" 

A centaur suddenly stepped forward "it is true. The time is ripe. I watch the skies for it is mine to watch as it is yours to remember, badger. Tarva, the lord of victory, and Alambil, the lady of peace, have come together in the high heavens. And now here, a Son of Adam has come forth... to offer us back our freedom." 

With that Caspian watched as all of them bowed to him or pulled out their swords and smiled. He knew then that he had an army and as he looked at the horn he could only hope that the badger had been right and he was about to get some serious backup in the form of the royals of the past because he could really use them right about now. Caspian looked at all of them "we need to find soldiers and weapons because I am sure that my uncle's army will be here soon." 

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