History, Bear Attack, and Reepicheep

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The five Pevensie siblings listened as the dwarf they learned was named Trumpkin went on about the history of what happened. Peter and Tyler looked at the trees that were silent missing the trees that danced and sang. Lucy looked at the trees "they're so still." 

Trumpkin grumbled "they're trees. What did you expect." 

"They used to dance," Lucy spoke making all of her other siblings tune into the conversation. 

"It wasn't long after you left that the Telmarines invaded." Trumpkin looked at the kings and queens of old "those who survived retreated into the woods and the trees they retreated so deep into themselves they've never been heard from since." 

"I don't understand" Lucy spoke out loud desperate and confused. "How could Aslan have let this happen?" 

"Aslan?" Trumpkin looked affronted and confused. "Thought he abandoned us when you lot did." 

Peter and Tyler looked at each other before speaking at the same time "we didn't mean to leave, you know." 

Trumpkin nodded "It makes no difference now." 

"Get us to the Narnians," Tyler spoke looking at his siblings and the look on his face was more determined than any of his siblings had seen in a while. "And it will." They continued along the river before stopping at a beach. 

They docked the boat and while doing that Lucy wandered off further inward. The siblings paid no mind until they heard the sound of growling and turned to see Lucy with a black bear. Peter and Tyler wasted no time pulling their swords and running to her. Susan knocked an arrow but couldn't pull it in time before a knife and a crossbow bolt ended up in the bear. 

The siblings all turned to the oldest brother that still had his hand outstretched from throwing the dagger and then to the dwarf that put his crossbow down. Peter pulled Lucy up and into him making Tyler look at him in thanks. 

Edmund looked at Peter and Tyler "he was wild." 

"I don't think he could talk at all," Tyler nodded along with Peter's thoughts.

Trumpkin moved over to the bear "get treated like a dumb animal long enough, soon enough that's what you become." He then took a dagger and stabbed it in the bear's heart making Lucy turn her head into Peter's chest. 


Caspian walked through the grass thinking about everything that the badger had told him about the horn. The fact that it could possibly call the kings and queens of old was amazing and would be much needed. He couldn't help but be taken back to what he knew about the five siblings; Tyler Pevenise. High King Tyler the Resilient. Known to be an absolute master of a sword and the wielder of death. He is also known for being the most protective over his family. High King Peter the Magnificent. Thought to be the greatest swordsmen behind his older brother. Extremely close to his brother yet is also extremely protective of him. Queen Susan the gentle, known to be an archer that rarely misses and the most reasonable of her siblings. King Edmund the Just known to be the best at negotiating and Queen Lucy the Valiant known to be kind and caring to everything around her. 

As he walked Caspian suddenly stopped as he heard something behind him. He turned around and called out in his Spanish accent "I can hear you, you know." 

From behind the trees came the badger and Nikabrik the dwarf. The badger looked at Caspian "I think we should wait for the kings and queens." 

Caspian sighed "we don't even know if they're coming." He turned around and started to walk away "even if we did we don't know if they'll help." 

Badger rolled his eyes "fine, go then see if the others will be as understanding." 

"Others?" Caspian stopped dead in his tracks as he turned around looking at both of them. "What others?"

Badger looked at him "the Minotaur is big and has a very bad temper while the Centaurs will probably fight on your side." 

Caspian nodded "what about Aslan?" 

The two stopped in front of him and looked at each other "how do you know so much about us?" 


Badger looked confused "hold on a minute. Your father told you stories about us?"

Caspian sighed "no, my professor." Caspian walked past them before Badger smelled human which turned out to be Telmarine soldiers forcing them to run. An arrow got badger in the back making Caspian run for him before watching as one by one the Telmarine soldiers were cut down. 

Caspian watched stunned as seemingly nothing took out each and every Telmarine soldier before making it's way towards Caspian. He then ended up on his back with a mouse on top of him. The mouse looked at him "choose your last words carefully Telmarine." 

Caspian looked confused and then stunned before saying "you are a mouse." 

The mouse sighed and looked at him "I was hoping for something more original. Pick up your blade." 

Caspian looked to his sword on the forest floor "I think I might live longer if I didn't." 

Trufflehunter the Badger spoke then "Reepicheep, stay your blade. He's the one that blew the horn." 

Suddenly a voice spoke out "then let him bring it forward." Caspian got to his feet before looking at all of the centaurs stunned as they stood in a row in front of him. "This is why we have all gathered here today." Caspian could hardly believe that he was staring at the faces that he once thought were just fairytales and couldn't help but hope that he'd meet the kings and queens well one in particular. 

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