Navigation Room and Caspian

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Caspian gave the Pevensie siblings Narnian clothes which made them feel like they were back home and made them feel normal again. As they changed, Tyler couldn't help but to savor the feel of the Narnian clothes that felt more normal than his clothes from England. 

After the Pevensies had changed they walked with Caspian to the navigation room the kings and queen of old looked at the walls and were stunned as they realized what Caspian had painted on the wall. Tyler walked over to a painting and realized that it was the five siblings sitting on their thrones. It was their story. 

Caspian then grabbed something from the cabinet and revealed Lucy's healing cordial and her dagger. He then handed Edmund Peter's sword which made both brothers smile sadly at the mention of their brother that they hadn't seen in a while. Caspian then looked at Tyler "I saved this for you as well." 

Tyler turned to see Caspian holding a pure black sword in its sheath. Tyler gasped as he took his beloved sword from the King of Narnia reverently. He ran his hand over the hilt and pulled it out of its sheath a little to see the blade. He smiled as he stared at it "Epilogue." 

Tyler sheathed the sword again as Caspian brought the three over to a map of Narnia "since you left, the Giants of the North surrendered unconditionally... then we defeated the Calormen armies at the Great Desert. There is peace across all of Narnia." 

"Peace?" Edmund spoke questioningly. 

"In three years," Caspian nodded as he spoke. 

Lucy smiled and Tyler could tell she was about to ask something teasingly. "And have you found yourself a lover in those three years?"

Edmund nodded feeling protective of his older brother "yeah, did you ever find someone else?"

"No," Caspian spoke as he looked straight at Tyler. "Not one compared to your brother. There's never been anyone else other than Tyler." 

Tyler smiled and held Caspian's eyes for a minute more before being dragged out of his staring contest by Edmund speaking "hang on, if there are no wars to fight and no one is in trouble, then why are we here?" 

"It's a good question," Caspian nodded. "I've been asking myself the same thing." 

Tyler decided to change the subject "so where are we sailing to?"

"Before I took the throne back from my uncle," Caspian started as the three Pevensies shivered at the mention of the evil son of a bitch that was Miraz. "He tried to kill my father's closest friends and most loyal supporters." Caspian turned to a board behind him that had seven drawings of seven men "the seven lords of Telmar. They fled to the Lone Islands." He pointed to the Lone Islands on the map "no one has heard from them since."  

Edmund looked away from the board to Caspian "so, you think something has happened to them?" 

"Well, if it has, it's my duty to find out" 

Tyler, Edmund, and Lucy all looked at each other and nodded before Tyler spoke "then we'll help you." Caspian looked at all three of them gratefully before Drinian and the other two Pevensies left Caspian and Tyler to talk. 

Caspian and Tyler looked at each other before Caspian decided to bite the bullet. "How long has it been for you?" 

"It's been three years," Tyler spoke in response. "I'm now 21 and Aslan kept his promise that I wasn't drafted into the war. How long has it been for you?" 

Caspian smiled "it's been three years for me as well. I guess Aslan kept his promise about trying to make sure that Narnia and your world were lined up based on time." Caspian looked at the left hand of Tyler and smiled at the ring still on his hand. "You're still wearing it." 

Tyler looked down at the promise ring on his hand "yeah of course." Caspian took Tyler's hand in his before Tyler spoke again "I was miserable, I mean I've always felt that I belonged in Narnia more than in England but after meeting you that feeling became a hundred times worse. I was basically catatonic. I didn't smile or anything." 

Caspian nodded "I wasn't much better off. I just threw myself into making the kingdom better and fixing everything that my uncle had done." Caspian was quiet before finally asking "was there anyone else in these three years?" 

"There were a couple of girls that tried but they never could compare to the king I left behind in Narnia." Caspian smiled at that as Tyler looked him in the eye "I was always too busy thinking about the possibility of returning to you to entertain anyone else." 

Caspian smiled even wider at that, he wasn't able to keep what he was thinking back now that he had finally got Tyler back. Caspian looked at his brown-haired beloved "I love you so much." 

"I love you too," Tyler smiled as he said the words that he has wanted to say again to the man in front of him for the past three years. With that Caspian and Tyler wasted no time in having their mouths meet for a much-needed kiss. For both Tyler and Caspian, the kiss had fireworks, love, and felt like coming home. Neither wanted to leave this moment and both of them knew that they would never leave each other again, especially without a fight. 

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