The How and Testosterone Battle

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The group came to a stop on the edge of a grassy field and Peter stopped dead in his tracks along with Tyler who gasped and placed a hand on the hilt of his sword as a habit. What they were looking at was the battlefield of Beruna where they had faced the White Witch. 

Tyler and Peter shared a look before they shook their heads and continued walking while trying not to think about everyone that had died on that battlefield. They watched as they passed through a stone arch centaurs lined up on either side of the path and lifted their swords in an arch. The six stopped and stared before the five Pevensies stepped forward as Caspian watched. 

The five Pevensies smiled at the centaurs as they passed before entering the building with Caspian behind them. They watched as weapons were being made as the girls split off. Caspian looked at Peter and Tyler "it may not be what you are used to, but it is defensible." 

Suddenly, the voice of Susan came through "Peter, Tyler. You may want to see this." All four males walked to the girls as Peter and Tyler gasped looking at the drawings. "It's us," Susan spoke looking confused along with the other Pevensies. 

Peter looked at Caspian "what is this place?" 

"You do not know," Caspian stared at them before taking a torch and heading into a room as Tyler ended up standing beside him. Caspian used the torch to light the oil in the room as all of the Pevensies watched as the fire revealed the stone table that Aslan had died on. It was still broken. 

Lucy headed towards the table along with the others as they looked around. Peter sighed "I think it's up to us now." 

Tyler nodded "unfortunately I think Peter is right." Peter looked at him "things never happen the same way again. We need to prove ourselves to Aslan this time." Caspian watched as the siblings took in where exactly they were and watched as the High Kings seemed to react and decide that currently it was up to them. 


The next morning, everyone was in the table room talking well more like listening to the argument between Peter and Caspian who were both trying to establish the fact that they were doing this right and had the best plan. It was like watching a soccer match to Tyler who was just sitting there listening given the fact that neither one wanted to listen to him. 

Peter looked between Caspian, Tyler, and the Narnians "Miraz's men and war machines are on their way. We need a plan." Caspian barely got a word in before Peter went off "we could attack the castle." 

"You seriously think that's going to work?" Caspian spoke seemingly shocked that the High Kings were willing to risk it. "Why don't we just stay and hold them off here?"

Peter sighed "because they could use here to wait us out. We have the element of surprise if we go now." With that started a whole round of fighting and arguing between the two of them. 

"Enough!" Everyone looked as Tyler spoke in the commanding voice of a king which made even Peter look at him and stop talking. He looked at them both "both of you are giving me a headache. There are merits to both of your ideas but unfortunately once again Peter is right. If we wait for them here then we'll be waited out with no food." Caspian looked resigned that he was outnumbered before Tyler spoke again "look I'm not saying that storming the castle is a perfect idea or an ideal plan but right now it's about the best plan that we've got other than sitting around like ducks waiting to be slaughtered." 

Caspian looked at him concerned for a minute as Tyler stopped talking and stared off looking like he was remembering something. Tyler then shook his head "I would normally go to Aslan for help but he's not around and I think we have to do this one ourselves." 

After the others went to prepare, Caspian and Tyler stayed at the table across from each other. "Take the castle?" Caspian spoke looking at the High King like he had gone insane for agreeing with it which he might as well have. "Like actually take the castle." 

"I know," Tyler spoke as he ran a hand over his face. "I know it's not ideal but we don't have a choice. We need to see what the hell we're dealing with and we can't wait for them to block us in." 

Caspian could tell how much this decision and choice was stressing the High King out so he looked at Tyler "I hope Peter knows what he's doing." 

"Me too," Tyler replied with a little bit of a chuckle and Caspian knew by his tone that Tyler had about as much faith in this plan as he did which somehow made him feel better.

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