Chapter 2: Into the night, Part I

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The next morning

--"Abel, wake up" says Mae, shaking him a bit

--"What do you want" says Abel with a groggy voice

--"This strange thing is vibrating" says Mae whilst handing Abel his phone

--"Give me a moment" responds Abel whilst grabbing the phone and going outside the room and after a few minutes coming back inside

--"What's that glass rectangle?" Asks Mae with child-like curiosity, after Abel hears her question he starts explaining to her what are cellphones, computers, the internet and other things

Three hours later

--"So, anymore questions?" Says Abel whilst cooking something for them to eat

--"Yes, how do humans work exactly?" Asks Mae with the same child-like curiosity

--"Well, humans function via lots of really complex chemical reactions, humans are made of millions upon millions of cells, cells are so small they can't be seen with normal things like a magnifying glass, inside those cells are small spaces where all of the complex chemical reactions take place and a very special place, the nucleus, where the DNA is stored and to put it simply, the DNA is what makes humans look and function the way they do because it has the instructions on what the chemical reactions have to take place inside the cell for it to live" explains Abel whilst putting the food on a plate

--"I understand, kinda" responds Mae whilst grabbing her plate of food

--"That works for now" says Abel whilst sitting down in front of her and starting to eat

--"I remember you calling this food scrambled eggs with ham, why did you choose to cook this?" Asks Mae

--"Because it's 10:30 and i do not want to cook anything more complex" responds Abel whilst handing her a piece of toast, telling her to put a bit of the eggs on top of it

--"Tastes good despite you calling this a simple food" responds Mae whilst eating

--"Do you want something to drink?" Asks Abel whilst going to the fridge

--"I really do not know anything else from water and the thing you made me taste last night" responds Mae, when Abel hears that he grabs a jug of milk and serves a glass of it for her and prepares himself a glass of cold, instant coffee and then returns, putting the glass of milk in front of Mae and sitting back on his place, sipping from his glass

--"Try the drink, it's called milk and it is a bit sweet but not too much" says Abel whilst continuing to eat, watching how Mae takes the glass of cold milk and cautiously takes a sip from it, then gulping

--"It tastes good" says Mae and then keeps on eating silently, meanwhile Abel finishes his plate and chugs down the coffee, after finishing the coffee he sighs and puts his plate and empty glass on the sink and sits back down in front of Mae who is finishing her meal

--"You seem fond of that brown drink, why?" Asks Mae looking at Abel, the look of curiosity never leaving her eyes

--"To make a really, really long story short: I liked coffee before going to university, after going there i now need it to function daily" responds Abel leaving Mae with more questions than answers but she accepts that answer, for now at least.

One hour later

Abel is searching for something inside a drawer and then pulls out a measuring tape, then he starts to walk towards Mae who was sitting on the bed toying with Abel's phone, she stares at him and gulps while he starts to unwrap the measuring tape and gets near her.

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