Chapter 9: Hayloft

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After a few days

--"Who the fuck is knocking at the door at this fucking hour" says Abel as he is woken up from his slumber, Mae was nowhere to be found and his phone indicated that it was 8:32 AM, 'She is probably on the bathroom or assaulting the pantry for food' he thinks, now that he was back at his house he had to worry about things again, after a few moments he stands up and grabs his handgun, exiting his room and looking through a window and then he sighed 'The usual cultists trying to get me into their cult... Fucking Jehovah's witnesses on a Saturday morning'. After a few more moments of consideration he locked the door and proceeded to ignore them, going back to his room and proceeding to ignore them, after a few minutes Mae came out of the bathroom and laid beside Abel on the bed, turning to face him and speaking in her typical curious tone

--"Why are those people standing outside the house?" Asks Mae as she grabs a pillow to hug

--"Because they are cultists that try to get people to join their cult, just ignore their existence until they go away" responds Abel as he looks at his broken hand, hoping that he could get rid of the cast

--"What is a cultist?"

--"Google it" Abel responds as he takes a bottle of pills and consumes one since his hand was starting to ache again.

After some hours

--"So, what are we doing today?" Asks Mae as she plays with Abel's phone

--"Nothing as usual" Abel replies as he keeps writing things on his computer using his telekinesis, not even looking back at her

--"What are you doing?" Asks Mae as she stops playing for a moment to look at him

--"Nothing much, just writing something for a friend" replies Abel with a blank tone.

When Mae hears Abel's response she stops playing and stands up from the bed, approaching him and putting a hand on his shoulder

--"Can we go out to the place where we met?" Asks Mae, the question prompting Abel to turn to face her, confusion written across his face


--"I don't know, i just feel the urge to go there and look around" said Mae which prompted Abel to sigh and rub his face with his good hand

--"Fine" he responds begrudgingly, not wanting to do that but he had nothing better to do "Dress up and we'll go in half an hour, i'll go make some snacks"

After 45 minutes

--"What are you making?" Asks Mae as she goes to the kitchen, she was dressed in black pants, a white hoodie and a pair of sneakers and curiously looked at Abel, who was tending to something on the stove

--"I decided to make some hot cocoa since it's cold outside" Abel replies as he stirs a pot, the entire kitchen smelling of cinnamon and chocolate

--"What is hot cocoa?" Asks Mae, which peaks Abel's interest for some seconds until he remembers that she hadn't asked him about it until that moment when Abel mentioned it, making him think that maybe she hadn't come across the term yet

--"Hot milk with sweet chocolate dissolved into it, cinnamon is added for some flavour and i added a bit of coffee to enhance the flavour even more" replies Abel as he keeps stirring the pot before adding a minimal amount of salt to it

--"Why the salt?" Asks Mae as she approaches Abel and looks at the pot, her expresion softening as she smelled the hot cocoa

--"Enhances the flavour" replies Abel as he adds a bit of powdered nugmeg into the pot and then a bit of flour to a bowl with water that he starts to mix, putting the pot on low heat as he mixes the bowl with one hand

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