Chapter 4: Battle beast, Part I

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A week later
--"Can anyone please explain to me why the last 3 attempts to get the subject have failed?!" Asks a man in a suit inside a room, surrounded by other people that are wearing what looks like ceremonial robes

--"Well, the first one ended up with the goatman going wild and chasing her until she stumbled upon someone with which she made a contract with, we are trying to acquire information about the man in question but for now let's call him as subject 2, this subject 2 was responsible for foiling the 2 other attempts, managing to kill César despite his superhuman speed and reaction time and outsmarting Bryan, killing him before his brainwashing powers could have any effect on him because he shot him dead the seccond Bryan approached him" says a man with a white robe with golden decorations on it which prompts the man in a suit to slam a fist into the table and say

--"We lost 2 men with powers and 1 beast to this guy that we have no info about, seriously?! Send the other goatman and a person to recolect the main subject there" says the suited man

--"What if the other goatman goes wild and kills the population, it was a miracle that we even captured this one since his skin is harder than steel and the sedatives did not work" responds the man with the white robe

--"I do not care, just get me the main subject that from now on will be referred to as M1" says the man in a suit

--"How shall we refer to the man that is protecting her?" Asks the white robed man

--"M2" says the man in suit before exiting the room

Back with Abel and Mae

--"So, wanna go outside somewhere today?" Asks Abel whilst looking at Mae

--"Where?" She asks while drinking from a bottle of apple juice

--"Well, we could go to the museum of nature and history since absolutely nobody goes there today" Says Abel whilst putting on his jacket

--"Yeah why not" Says Mae as she stands up and puts on a hoodie

When both of them arrive to the museum the place is practically empty and after Abel pays the 2 entrance tickets they walk inside, Mae takes a look around, seeing how big the place looks whilst inside, then Abel walks to her and says:

--"Let's go see the exhibits" after he says that both of them start to walk, entering an exhibit about outer space, Mae's eyes shining as she read all of the information around the place, before they exited the exhibit she asked Abel

--"So, what's the next one?" Asks Mae with an excited voice

--"One about biology" Responds Abel as he walks beside her, when they walk inside the exhibit they are greeted by several things, the most notable one being a figure of a cell hanging from the ceiling, when looking at it Mae asks:

--"So, what does it do?" Asks Mae as she points at the cell that is hanging from the ceiling as Abel walks to a nearby plate with buttons, as he presses one an organelle from the figure lights up

--"A cell does everything needed to live" says Abel as he presses another button, the organelle's light turning off as another organelle lights up

--"I don't get it" says Mae whilst looking at the figure, seeing how Abel presses buttons and the figure lights up in various places

--"It is... Complicated, but to put it simply, all living things are either a cell or made from cells, these cells undergo some really complex chemical processes to support themselves so they can reproduce, that's a barebones explanation of it but if you want to know a bit more then let's start from the beggining..." Says Abel as he starts to explain to Mae what each organelle do and how they work, Mae looks at him and then at the figure as he talks, it is clear he is talking from what he can remember because he keeps taking slight pauses to think up an easy to understand explanation for her.

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