Chapter 6: Mother Mother

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After some hours Abel woke up inside a hospital room, when he looked at his body he saw bandages around his hand, torso and he felt one on his head, his oeft hand being encased in a case made of a polymer he did not remember the name of, when he turned his head to look around he saw Aurora sitting beside him, she had a pair of long shorts and a white shirt on.

--"Hello, mom" says Abel softly "I was pretty messed up huh"

--"You have some hairline fractures on your ribs, your left hand is broken and you had a gash on the side of your head, yes you were you irresponsible idiot" responds Aurora in a scolding voice "Being near that gas station that exploded really messed you up but i am glad that your injuries aren't worse".

--"Sorry, i was taking a night walk and i got lost in my thoughts, i suppose i was lucky" Abel lies as naturally as he breathes "What did Daniel tell you?"

--"Ah, right, he told me to tell you that he had your girlfriend staying with him for the night and that he would bring her when you woke up" responds Aurora to which Abel just looks away, knowing that he had some explaining to do to Daniel later.

After half an hour Mae enters the room where Abel is and she closes the door, leaving them alone as Mae sits on a chair besides his bed, she has a plastic bag on her hand that she sets on the ground.

--"So" says Abel as he looks at her

--"So what you dumbass, why did you even do that?!" Asks Mae, sounding more worried than angry "We could have stayed hidden until they went away but you had the oh so bright idea to go out and fight the thing for whatever reason"

--"The guy would have probably ordered the beast to destroy the entire neighborhood and then this would have happened but worse since my house would have been demolished instead of mildly damaged" Abel responds with a tired voice

--"I... I was worried about you, i was hoping that you would make it out alive since you have been taking care of me and we have a deal and you have even gone out of your way to be nice to me" says Mae as she looks at Abel's bandaged body "What did you even do to manage to wound that thing so badly before i arrived there with your brother?"
After Abel explained what he did whilst Mae was away she then looked at him with surprise in her eyes.

--"What are you even made of? That thing was so strong it created shockwaves when it punched something and you took a direct hit and managed to stun it with a punch" says Mae, sounding incredulous at Abel's words

--"Well, i was born with a genetic defect that made my muscle and bone density way thicker than any normal human, in the words of a doctor it was as if i had the muscular density of 5 or 6 people by some strange way" Abel responds as he puts one of Mae's hands on his chest so she could feel his muscles

--"Well, it certainly feels way harder than i thought it would" says Mae as she presses a finger slightly on Abel's chest and he winces very slightly in pain so she pulls her hand away

--"I still have my ribs with hairline fractures and my chest bandaged so it kinda hurt when touched" says Abel as he looks at her "I am a literal one in a billion, it is as if i won the genetic lottery because i have certain mutations that i was born with that make me almost super human, apart from the muscular and bone density i can't really get drunk no matter how much i drink and it's uncommon for me to get sick, almost like i was a miracle or something"

--"I can see" says Mae "Your brother told me some stories about you, he told me that you were way wilder when you were 18"

--"I was, always taking risks to get what i needed to get, where is Daniel by the way?" Asks Abel as he touches around his clothes and feels his phone on one of his pockets, pulling it out with his right hand and seeing that it was shattered and rendered unusable "Dammit, no matter, i'll buy another" whispers Abel as he puts the shattered phone on the hospital bed

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