Chapter 7: Mother Mother, part II

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A few days later

--"How's your arm?" Asked Mae as she stood beside Abel, being surrounded by mountains as they stood near a flag that was waving on the air, the flag being mounted on the top of a mountain and used as a landmark for hikers.

--"Better than you think it is" Abel responds as he looks down at the city that lays in front of the mountain, observing the city where he lives in, on a place that lets him overview the entirety of the city, it is small for a city but big for a town, quite the curious case for a place in the north of México.

--"I still don't know why you wanted to come here only days after getting your hand broken and your ribs fractured" says Mae as she pants slightly, tired from the long walk they had to make to get there, Abel seems unfaced though, taking a not so deep breath of the fresh air inside and then outside, relaxing his body as he turns to look at her and takes an energy bar from a bag around his shoulder, using his right hand to offer the item to her as well as a bottle of water, the cool air doing nothing to stop Mae from sweating slightly as she took the bar and the water, sitting down on a concrete step to eat and drink, Abel sitting beside her and starting to talk.

--"I am used to doing things like these, me and Daniel used to come here often and we usually drank juice and ate snacks whilst looking down at the city, it is good excercise and excercise helps the body heal from injuries like mine" says Abel as he looks at her, she is wearing what looks like winter sports clothing of a black colour, clothes courtesy of Daniel that bought them for her the day before since he was the one that told them about going there on the first place.

--"Honestly though, the small trip is surely tiring" says Mae as she takes a bite from the energy bar, chewing it slowly and then drinking some water to pass it down.

--"For a being like you i am surprised that you get tired from this" Says Abel with a small chuckle as he looks back to the city in front of them.

--"Shut up" responds Mae as she downs a few more gulps of water "This is my first time going on a walk like this, running like i did that night can't compare, specially since breathing feels a bit harder here"

--"Well we are on top of a mountain so the oxigen is a bit lower here than down there" responds Abel as he drinks some water from the bottle too "And i did get a bit tired, it must be because i can't breathe as well as i can normally because of my ribs"

--"Changing subjects, i overheard your brother saying that you need to have a 'Little adventure' with me for some reason" responds Mae, curious as to what Daniel meant by that, which causes Abel to spit out the water he was drinking and then cough

--"He thinks that we are a couple because we do everything together, don't try to change his mind, you simply can't" responds Abel after a bit, when he looks at Mae he can see the slightest tint of pink on her face as she looks at the city

--"Is that so?" Responds Mae absentmindedly

--"Yeah, just let him be, he is a good guy as you already know, so he will probably try and set up some dates or activities for us, just look at them like a fun time and nothing else if you want" says Abel in a more relaxed tone "I like to think of you as a good friend though"

When Abel said those last words he could see that slight tint of pink turn a bit more intense as Mae took another bite from the energy bar.

--"I like to think of you as more than just a mere protector since you have been always nice to me" says Mae calmly, then she drinks some water as she thinks about what Abel said, she has spent enough time with him to see him in a really good light, to her he was a good person, a really good person.

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