Chapter 5: Battle beast, Part II

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Back with Abel

'I guess that it's worth a shot' Abel thinks as he throws the open isopropyl alcohol bottle at the beast, covering the exterior of it with the flammable liquid before lighting the entire box of matches and throwing it at the beast, setting it on fire, as the beast flayed around in an attempt to put out the fire Abel checked his own body, feeling around to get an idea of the damage that he received after being sent flying and slamming into several trees.
'My nose is not bleeding nor are my ears or mouth, my left arm hurts and it is bleeding lightly' thinks Abel as he moves his hands around his torso and back, after a few seconds he then uses his telekinesis to lift the trees he slammed into and throw them at the burning beast, trying to see if they would do anything but after they hit the thing Abel could see that they made some small cracks on the rock hard skin of the beast and then Abel got an idea.

After a minute the beast managed to set the fire on its body off and it looked around for Abel and when it found him it charged, Abel then jumped to the right to dodge the charge, the beast crashing into several trees that were sent flying before stopping, turning around and sprinting towards Abel who was now running down the road and after a few minutes of dodging the beast and running he looked up and saw a sign of a nearby gas station, then Abel changed trajectory and stood still in front of a gasoline pump, dodging a punch from the beast that shattered the aparatus and made it so gasoline started to spew around for a bit before it stopped, soaking the beast in the flammable liquid, then Abel repeated the same process with the rest of the pumps on the gas station.

--"Let's see if you can handle something the size of this" Abel says loudly before taking out his handgun and pressing the trigger, surrounding himself with his Telekinesis to form a protective field instants before the entire gas station exploded, sending him flying dozens of meters into the air and sending the beast flying back, its entire body now set on fire. As Abel was send through the air he used his telekinesis to catch himself and then he felt dizzy as he slowly descended to the ground, he could smell blood and saw a few scorch marks on his clothes but his body slightly hurt, he put a hand to his face and after looking at it he realized he had a nosebleed, pinching his nose.

Once he touched the ground the beast was, once again, flailing around trying to put the flames off, prompting Abel to walk to a somewhat intact wall and lay his back on it, taking in a deep breath and trying to rest for a bit, he could hear the beast flailing as it burned with a sick sizzling, he could almost taste the smoke from the burning place and he could somewhat smell the burning meat from the beast and he could feel the warmth of the wall as well as the small vibrations from the ground as the beast tried to put the fire off. 'The chloramine gas i forced it to inhale must have probably wrecked its vocal cords, or maybe it did not have much of those to begin with, it looks like the type of thing from a videogame anyways' thinks Abel as he takes out a cigarette and his lighter, lighting it and taking a long drag, the air clean around him despite the smoke because of his telekinesis forcing the smoke away from him, then Abel just kept resting with his back against the wall, watching the now distracted beast fight to stop itself from burning to death, being too distracted to notice Abel standing there as he smoked to calm his nerves.


--"So, Mae" Abel says as he enters the bedroom "I have been thinking about testing what i can and can't do with my telekinesis, and i discovered that i can use it to float" After saying that, Abel started to float, laying down on the air in front of Mae, who seemed amused by this

--"How does it feel?" Mae asks, she seems a bit interested, more amused by this than anything, she is sitting on Abel's gaming chair.

--"It feels as if i was being held by something and as if i was holding something with my head, as weird as it sounds" Abel then stands down, putting an arm forward and raising Mae from the chair and into the air, managing to raise her a few centimeters before letting go. "This is curious" Abel then says as he tries again, now managing to raise her a few dozen centimeters.

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