Chapter 13: Into the night, part III

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Unknown location, one week later
After a priest finished giving his daily church service he simply headed into the main building of the church, he was an old man that looked to be around 65 years old, having grey hair that was balding and white skin with some spots, his vestmen had several decorations knitted with gold strings, a big cross on the center being the most prominent one.
After a bit he then entered a room, getting ready to have the same meeting that has been happening for these last months due to a certain issue.

--"How may i help you today, your sanctity?" Asked the priest as he bowed slightly in front of the man that was sitting in a wooden chair, said man looked to be no older than 45 years old and wore a business suit.

--"I hope that you do understand how much your waiting has been throwing a wrench in my plans, Francisco" replied the man towards the priest

--"I know my lord, but i have some news regarding Joshua, the pastor you had sent to try and strike a deal" Said Francisco, who looked at the man who stared back at him

--"From what i can see that didn't work, so pray tell, what more do you know?" Asked the man in the business suit

--"Nothing more, your sanctity" said the priest as he looked at the floor

--"Fine then, this will be your last chance, so make yourself useful and do what i'll ask without messing it up, because if it wasn't enough losing several Aetherians and a beast, one of the 2 compounds outside the city got raided by the police and military some days ago and got burned to the ground, and from what i heard the cartel also played a hand in this since they took several people in vans, so do NOT screw anything from now on since your church is the biggest one in the city, and i want to believe that those animals wouldn't come and kill everyone inside of here too, so what will happen from now on is that you will house anyone i send here in secret since apparently there are eyes everywhere now after a certain incident with my main subject, so do NOT let anyone know, got it?" Said the man in the business suit, he sounded frustrated and angry, as if taking personal insult

--"Yes your sanctity" Francisco replied in a weak voice

--"I'll be going then, i hope that you are not as useless as you seem" the man said before leaving the room and exiting the church, getting into a car and driving away.

Meanwhile with Abel

Abel was waiting inside of a room that had 2 couches and 2 doors on each side of the room, it looked more like a living room rather than what it actually was, being a room to rest between sessions of "enhanced intereogation", Daniel being the first one to try and get the people on the other side of one of the doors to talk.

--"Are they singing yet?" Abel asked as he looked at Daniel, having blood on his knuckles and his shirt.

--"They are stubborn as fuck" Daniel said as he sat down in front of Abel

--"Are you talking to the laymen or the priest?" Abel asked as he stood up, handing Daniel a can of cold soda.

--"Laymen, still waiting for the special delivery" Daniel said with a sigh

--"So, changing subjects for a bit, did you know that eels have specialized cells called electrocytes that can give off electric discharges?" Abel said as he held a hand out

--"Seems interesting" said Daniel after a sip, and after a second his eyes went towards Abel's hand, the cracking of electricity and some small arcs coming from between his fingers.

--"Indeed" Abel said as he walked up to the door, and before entering he froze for a moment and thinked: 'Am i forgetting something'

--"Something wrong?" Daniel asked as he looked at Abel

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