Chapter 12: Hayloft II

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A week later

Near the top of one of the 2 sierras that were around the city Abel, Daniel and Mae could be seen, Abel and Daniel wore similar clothing, those being boots, pants, a long sleeved shirt and a jacket, Abel wearing mostly black clothes except for the blue shirt and Daniel wore dark blue pants and a camo jacket, the latter carrying an Ak-47 and a tactical jacket with 4 magazines, a knife and ceramic plates on it, meanwhile Abel was wearing an empty jacket aside from the plating; Meanwhile Mae was simply wearing black shoes, some comfortable pants and her grey hoodie, she was panting her lungs out as she carried a backpack with her.

--"So this is the place where those people are staying huh" Abel said as he looked towards a compound several kilometers away, using his biokinesis to upgrade his eyes so he could zoom his view to look at the compound in more detail

--"Apparently so" said Daniel, who held the paper with the directions of the compound written on it

--"Why did i have to come?" Asked Mae as she rested an arm on a tree as she kept panting

--"Because i can't leave you alone back there" Abel replied in a blank tone as he handed her a bottle of water, thing that she took and gulped down most of it in one go

--"Ok, you two lovebirds should stop bickering and you should look at this" Daniel said as he took out his phone and opened Google maps, showing the point where the compound should be but wasn't

--"Probably an old mapping" Said Abel as he took out his phone and then realized that the zoom couldn't reach that far

--"Good thing i decided to bring this" Daniel said as he handed Abel a telescopic sight without any markings so he could take a picture

--"Thank you" Abel said as he took the scope and then the picture that he then showed to Daniel

--"What the fuck?" Daniel asked as he looked at the picture, the entire compound was missing, as if it wasn't there to begin with

--"Probably someone with powers" Abel replied as he looked around and started walking

--"Where are you going?" Mae asked between breaths

--"I heard someone" Abel replied, making Daniel point his rifle to where Abel was walking just in case.

After a bit of walking a man jumped out of a bush and got met by Abel's fist, the impact caused a nasty crack to be heard and disoriented the person long enough for Daniel to land a shot directly to the side of its skull, killing the man instantly.

--"Nice aim" Abel said as he looked down at the corpse that had 2 holes in the skull, one bigger than the other

--"You could have shot him if you had your pistol out" Daniel replied as he looked behind him and spotted something moving between some trees, causing him to fire off a burst of 6 bullets towards the trees as Mae got on the floor

--"Daniel, stay with Mae" Abel said as he took his pistol out and ran towards the trees.

After a bit of running Abel found the person that was running between the trees and he tackled it just to discover that it was a woman, and before she could react Abel simply put the handun to the side of her head, but before he could ask anything she screamed at him, creating a sonic wave that bursted Abel's eardrums and made him stumble back and fall to the floor

--"Bitch" Abel said as he used his own biokinesis to heal his eardrums, noticing how the woman was dressed in the same attire that the woman that could turn invisible and the man that could create clones wore

--"Stand down" said the woman as her throat started to glow, probably preparing another sonic wave, but before she could fire it off Abel simply fired off 3 bullets, missing 2 but landing the third one on the side of her neck, causing her to clutch it and drop to the floor.

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