Chapter 10: Father, part I

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--"Well, let's just say that i got a new power" Abel responds as he stretches

--"I am not even going to ask" responds Daniel as he sits down on a chair, trying to process whatever the fuck was happening

--"If you guess what power it is i'll buy you a bottle of whiskey" says Abel as he lays back down on the bed, looking like a kid with a new toy instead of someone that got stabbed on the kidneys some hours ago

--"Regeneration?" Says Daniel, playing along so he could stop thinking about it via thinking more about it

--"Nope, Biokinesis" Replies Abel as he puts a hand out and several tendrils form around it that then dissapear

--"What the fuck is that?" Asks Daniel

--"The power to alter my own biology at will, but it seems that if i want to create extra things then i need to absorb other things, already tried with a screw from the bed, it seems that it needs to be organic material" says Abel as he puts his hand to the trashcan, pulling out the trashbag on it and absorbing it using a tendril

--"That doesn't seem organic" says Daniel as he looks at his little brother absorbing a trash bag like it was completely normal

--"It's a carbon based material, and it seems to work" Says Abel with a shrug

--"Cool, so you can heal yourself with alcohol too" said Daniel as he took out his phone

--"Anyways, did you feed her anything? She hasn't eaten since morning?" Abel asked as he stood up and walked to the door that led to the built in bathroom, looking himself in the mirror and then splashing some water on his face to get rid of a lingering feeling of sweat and dirt he still had left, even if he wasn't dirty, it was more of a mental thing than a physical one.

--"You make it sound like she's a house pet, and yes, i gave her a burguer from that place near my house " Daniel said

--"Tomato Tomato, thanks for feeding my... Thing" said Abel as he walked back towards the bed and looking all over the room for clothes

--"Just admit that she's your girlfriend" said Daniel in more of a teasing manner than a statement

--"No she's not... But i won't say that i don't care about her" Said Abel in a moment of sincerity, which surprised Daniel a bit but he let it go, he was used to these moments of sincerity Abel had once in a while.

3 hours later

Abel and Daniel arrived at Daniel's house where Mae and Aurora were waiting for Daniel to arrive, both of the women were surprised to see Abel enter the house in perfect condition and after a few seconds Mae ran towards Abel and hugged him tightly, Abel simply returned the hug and held Mae for a good minute before she spoke.

--"You... You made me think that you were going to die!" Mae said as she kept her arms around Abel's torso, like she didn't want him to move, like she needed him to stay there to make sure that he was real

--"Sorry" Abel replied as he hugged her tightly, trying to calm her down "But i am back, and i am fine now"

--"Idiot" Mae mumbled, action that made Abel chuckle slightly "Why couldn't we just run away for once..."

--"Because they would run after us or go back to whoever sent them and give information about my powers to them" Abel said in a calm voice whilst thinking of how to make this up to her, after some seconds Aurora interrupted and hit Abel on the back of the head using a stick before speaking.

--"I didn't raise you to be such a reckless idiot, Abel" said Aurora in a voice that made Abel shrink, he may have powers and he may have the physical ability of 5 athletes but Aurora still was his mother, so he took the scolding and after it finished Abel simply sighed as Daniel looked, holding in a smirk.

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