Chapter 4

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Lisa's POV

"Turn left over there." I instructed as Jennie drove. She didn't really left me any choice at all and I appreciated the help. As we neared our apartment complex, I can't help but worry about my little sister. She's barely 4. I wonder what my mother's done this time for the police and child services to be involve. "Right there, in that building." I added as I pointed to her the old rundown building.
I ran out as soon as Jennie stopped the car.

"Lisa wait!" She yelled but I ignored her. I needed to be there as soon as possible. As I neared the entrance, I was stopped by a police officer.

"You can't enter ma'am. This is a crime scene." A crime scene? What on earth happened. My heart skipped a beat as I tried to process the event.

"I live here! My mom and sister's upstairs!" I argued.

"Are you Ms. Manoban?" He asked. And I nodded. "Let me escort you then."

"Why? What happened?" So many gruesome images came into my mind as the officer escorted me.

"Lisa! Wait!" I heard Jennie's voice. I turned around and she was running towards us. I wonder what she's doing. She already helped me get here, she should just leave.

Since this was an old apartment building, the elevator was not working. The officer guided me until we reach the third floor in which Jennie was in now.
As soon as we made the final step, I sprinted my way towards our unit. There I see another police officer in the door. There were also people in suits. "What happened?" I looked around and saw a figure lying on the floor covered in blood.

Jennie's POV

Lisa jumped off the car before I even pulled the hand brake. "Lisa! Wait!" I shouted but I was ignored. She disappeared in an instant. As soon as I killed the engine, I also jump off my car, lock it and sprinted my way to the direction which she went.

Oh boy, she can run fast. I saw a police officer guiding her towards the building so I went there. The police officer tried to stop me but I pushed my way in. I just hoped I didn't get into trouble for that. "Lisa! Wait!" I shouted again, she turned her head but continued to walk upstairs. She sprinted again as we reached the third floor.

There were so many people in her floor. The door which she entered was being guarded by another police officer. I followed her inside and found other people dressed in suits.

Aside from video games, my other past time was watching crime series so I deducted that some of them were detectives. I overheard something earlier about child services, I wonder who was that person.

"What happened?" She asked. The moment the people in suits turned around, the view from behind had been exposed. Lying there was a figure covered in blood.

"Ms. Manoban?" One of the men asked and she confirmed her identity.

"I'm detective Paul Simmons and this is my partner detective Kang Seulgi." The man in suit said. "It's not your mother or your sister." He said before Lisa could ask. "The figure lying there was Edward Cruz, he was a wanted criminal for murder, drugs, prostitution and many more, name it and he had done it."

"What he's got to do with us?" Lisa asked.

"He sought refuge in your home."

"That can't be! He wasn't here this morning when I left."

"We know. We raided his known location earlier and he fled here." The detective replied.

"What's his connection with my mother?" Lisa inquired.

"We don't know yet, but we are guessing drugs. We have found a stash of cocaine in your house."

"My goodness." Lisa closed her eyes as she absorbed every information. "Where's my mom now?"

"She was taken into custody for possession of illegal substance."

"Unnie!" Their conversation was cut by a small voice. I looked at the source and saw a little girl running towards Lisa.

The little girl leaped towards her and Lisa braced herself for the impact. "Unnie!!!" The girl started crying on her shoulder.

"Shhhhh... It's gonna be okay." Lisa said, as she comforted the little girl.

"Ms. Manoban?" Then a woman that looked in her late forties to early fifties came from the room. "I'm Olivia Smith, the one you talked to on the phone." She held a hand which Lisa took despite having her hands full by carrying the little child. " I'll cut into the chase, I'm afraid to be the bearer of bad news but this environment was not fit for a child we would have to take her with us."

"You can't take her! I'm already 19 so I can be her guardian."

"I know that. But where will you stay? Your house was a crime scene, you don't have any where to stay and you're still in high school." The woman said without empathy.

"I've a job! I can provide for her!"

"I'm sorry but it was final, unless you can prove that you can support her before someone adopted her then you can take her back. But for now she's coming with us." The woman moved to get the little child but Lisa fought her.

"No! You can't take her!"

"No! Unnie!!!!!!" The little girl started to cry.

"Officer, if you may?" Two uniformed officers then made their way to the sisters. Lily tried to back away but there's no room for escape. LILY!?

"No please don't take her." She begged but it went into deft ears. I saw how important the little child to Lisa so I knew I got to help in a way.

"Hold on please." I yelled and gotten their attention. Lisa was also surprised by my sudden outburst. I moved towards her and enveloped her into a hug to hide my whisper. "If you love her, shut up and do as I say." She seemed to got it and nodded.

"I'm sorry for that, let me introduce myself Ms. Smith right?" The women nodded. "I'm Kim Jennie and I'm her Fiancé." I lied the last part. "My girl was a woman with pride and it hindered me from helping her, but now give the situation, I believe she doesn't have a choice anymore. She and her little sister will be living with me from now on."

"I'm afraid that won't help too. As I can see you're just a child yourself. How can you provide for them?" The woman argued. This was harder than I thought.

"Have you ever heard of the Kim's industries?" She nodded. Then her eyes widened. "Yes, you're correct. I'm the second child of the Kim's. If you give me a paper to write, I'll give you my current address and you may visit them anytime. As for work, I really don't have to, everything is already provided for me. You can rest assure that they are in good hands. And if ease your doubts, here's my ID." I then showed her my driver's license.

"In this case, I think everything is settled, The Manoban's shall be living with you. However, if our agency made a surprise visit and found out that these are all a sham, we'll take the kid." With that the woman left the room.
Lisa was about to say something but I cut her off.

"Don't speak and pack your stuff." She complied. She went to a room still carrying her little sister.

"What will happen to her mother?" I asked the detective.

"She'll be booked for illegal possession and will be staying in jail for the night. Then She'll be tried based on our investigation. She was so high when we got here, it's evident that she is using drugs. We don't know yet if she is dealing or have information that we can use for now, I'll advise you get a lawyer." I nodded in understanding.

Moments later, Lisa came out with a small suitcase and a gym bag. "Is that all?"

"Yes." I took her luggages as she carried her sister.

"Let's go home."


What's up readers, I hope u r enjoying the story so far ..
Have a nice day , PEACE ✌

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