Chapter 19

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⚠Trigger Warning in this chapter so if u like u can skip this chapter but its actually a very important chapter in the story so u have been warned⚠

Lisa's POV

"Help!!!!!" I managed to yell before he covered my mouth. I tried to fight but he was too strong and heavy. He pinned both of my arms on my side while he sat on them, together with my legs that restricted my movements.

"Hello Pranpriya... I see you have blossomed into a nice flower." He started. "Did you really think you could get away from me?" He then Nuzzled his face into my collarbone. "You still smell the same. Mixture of lavender and jasmine. Just like I remember."

I wiggled around but it was useless, he was so heavy. He got me under his control again just like before. "I missed you so much." He then started to lick my neck as his free hand began to unbutton my shirt.

My eyes started to pool as the memories started to flow.

This can't be happening.

Not again.

"Just stay still so we can get it over with." His words burned my soul and made me remember those unfortunate nights that I had to endure. Every single night, after he made sure my mother was passed out, he'd come to my room for a release. "That's right... Just relax... Like always... Be a good girl."

At his words, I accepted my fate. He secured both of my hands above my head. "Scream and I'll cut your tongue." He then showed me a knife. All I did was nod.

He slammed the knife on his side, I heard him unzip his pant and positioned himself on me.

I closed my eyes as I waited for the pain that I'm too familiar with. But it never came.

Jennie's POV

It was half time and I'm so beat up. Our opponent was giving us the challenge of our life. They were the runner up last year, it means that they are hungry for a win. But my team, specially Jisoo is more hungry since it was her last time and it was the first time that our team made it this far. This wasn't only a battle of skills, it was also a battle of determination.

We barely managed to take a lead. Our opponent's giving us quite a good defense. They were using full court press since the beginning and it was hard to cross the ball. Good thing Jisoo's such a miracle worker.

Our team really improved a lot. Coach's training was making a good results. They don't rely on me or Jisoo to score. Most of them have been a good shooter.

I didn't even realize it was already half time. I'm so exhausted because I played for the whole first half. Some of my teammates got substituted except for Jisoo and I.

Even though I was so tired, I took my energy from Lisa. She was always there to support me. I felt bad since I knew that her friend also had a game. I'm not sure if they made up already and even though I hated the guy, it was out of my control on whoever she wanted to be friends with.

"Great work team! Let's keep the momentum up! Go and rest! You need to save all your energy!" Coach said as we exited towards the locker. I took a glance at Lisa and she waved at me and silently told me that she'll be back. She must be going to the soccer game.

"Nice work Jennie and Jisoo! You two are awesome!" Kai yelled.

"See ya later!" Mino added. Jisoo and I waved to them in return.

"Did you hear that?" I suddenly asked Jisoo as we neared the locker room. It was faint but I definitely heard someone scream.

"Nope... Nothing... What's it?" She asked.

"Someone screamed... I'm not sure... I'm having a bad feeling about it." There was a sudden worry in my mind as if something is not right.

"Probably just one of your fans."

"Jisoo... I'm really having a bad feeling about this... I'll be back." Without waiting for a reply I ran towards the wood. It's not something that I can explain but my feet was guiding me towards the wooden area.

Then I saw it. Two people on the ground. At first, I thought that it was just some couples playing around but looking closer, it seemed to be one sided. The girl was being attacked and the knife that he pulled was enough for me to help.

I sprinted towards them and before he could do the deed, I pulled him away and punched him in the face.

He was a big man. "Damn it."

"Get away from her!" I ordered.

He looked around and saw that I was alone, so he smirked and lunged himself to me. He managed to hit me in the stomach. I felt all the air was gone. It was getting hard to breathe. I got into a lot of fights but they were all in the age and built. He gave me few more blow to the gut before I fell on my knees.

Does he really think that I'll give up that easily? I used all my remaining strength to tackle him. He fell down with me on top of him. I used this opportunity to punch him in the face. I only managed to hit him twice before he over powered me, switching our positions. "You bastard! You should have minded your own businesses!" He yelled as he punched me in the face.

I heard something crack at the first impact, then there was this taste of iron. I'm bleeding and my nose was probably broken. The second impact, my vision darkened and I felt all my strength vanish from my body.

I saw a glimpse of his next punch but it never came. Somebody pulled him away from me. I have not blacked out yet so I witnessed the succeeding events.

Mino, Kai and Taehyung was using all their combined strength to hold the person down. I saw Rosé with the girl and Jisoo came towards me. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"He was trying to rape the girl." I said. "How is she?"

"Lisa's fine. You should worry more about yourself! You're so beat up!" I never even realized that the girl being attacked was Lisa! My Lisa!

"Lily? I didn't even know it was her. Are you sure she's fine?" I tried to get up but I think I broke a few ribs.

"Easy tiger! Yeah it was her and I don't know if she's okay. Rosé's with her. She was lying on the ground probably shocked..." She paused. "I'm not sure how far this bastard managed to proceed."

"Help me." She used her shoulder to give me support. "How did you find me?"

"You didn't come back and I knew something's wrong. You're my best friend, somehow, I can feel when you're in trouble." She explained. "Then I saw the guys heading towards the toilet so I drag them along."


"No problem!"

We slowly walked towards Lisa. She was now sitting on the grads with Rosé. She had this emotionless expression as if she blacked out. It was hard to really explain. "Lisa." I said as I kneeled in front of her.

Lisa just looked at me in the eyes, hold me in a tight embrace and burst into tears. "Did he?" She didn't respond and I already thought of the worst.

I turned around and saw the man on his stomach, his hand tied on his back using the guy's neck tie. "You Son of a bitch!" I yelled at him. "Get him up!"

The guys obeyed. They guided the man into kneeling position and we were all disgusted to see his manhood out of it's nest standing tall. "You're disgusting!"

"Can you guys tuck it?" Jisoo asked.

"No way I'm touching another man's dick!" Taehyung replied. Mino and Kai reacted the same.

I was about to give him a couple of punches but Rosé stopped me. "She needs you." I looked down and saw Lisa cried herself to sleep.

"Call the police." I told them.

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