chapter 24

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Irene's POV

"Tell me why I'm doing this?" Seulgi said as she walked beside me.

"Coz I'm your girlfriend and you love me." I responded. It was Saturday and luckily, seulgi was not on call so I asked her to accompany me to shopping.

"Yeah yeah..." She replied defeatedly. "Do you really have to go on Saturday?" She asked referring to the charity event.

"Unfortunately, yes. My father basically ordered me to attend. It was rare of him to do that."

"I'll just wait for you then. You'll go directly to my place? Or shall I wait in yours?"

"You know I like your place better."

"That's the one thing I can't really understand about you. How can you like my crappy apartment from your cozy penthouse?"

Her apartment was small but it wasn't crappy. It was full of personal belongings and pictures of her important persons. "It's not crappy. It's home." She personally painted the walls and bought the furnitures one by one from her cop salary.

My place was one of my parent's assets. They loved to buy penthouses in a lot of places all around the world. It was big and decorated by other people. It was empty and cold. Maybe I should follow Jennie's footsteps and get a smaller one.

"Irene!" I turned around And saw Rosé and Jisoo. "Getting a dress for the ball?"

"Unfortunately!" I replied. "Same goes for you too I assume?"

Looking at their bags, they must have shopped a lot. "Yep! But we needed to buy two since we also have the school's party." She explained further. "Anyways... Will you be seeing Jennie soon?" I nodded since I planned to bring her the tux that I bought. Knowing her, she'll do everything in the last minute. "Great!" Jisoo exclaimed when I nodded. "Can you give this to her?" I raised a brow at the dress. "It's for Lisa. She requested me to buy for her. And can you keep this a secret from Lis?" I then nodded again. "Thanks! You are the best!"

They both left hand in hand. I smirked at the sight. Finally!

Looking at the dress and thinking about the school's ball, I believe I will need to buy another set of tux for my good for nothing sister to match Lisa's dress.

Jennie's POV

After a few more hours playing in the pool, we were all exhausted. Ella kept swimming until she just literally fell asleep. It was quite a sight.

"She quite handy huh." I said as I carried the small girl while Lily carried the floaters and other stuff.

"Yes and she really enjoyed herself. Thank you."

"You can thank me with a kiss later." I teased and she blushed. She bowed down to hide her face but it was too late, the change of color in her face was very much obvious. "And I'm not kidding." I deadpanned. "This little girl here interrupted our moment and I'll be getting my kiss later." If it was possible to blush more, then she did.
When we reached our unit, I was not very surprised to see some guests. It became my sister's habit to pop up in my unit. "Hello sis. What brings you here?" It was then that I noticed that she wasn't alone. "Hello Seulgi... Or can I call you Seul?"

"Seul is fine." I nodded.

"We brought some Chinese food." Irene said. "And I'm here to bring your tux. I knew you'll wait up to the last minute in order to buy one and this event's very important to our parents. Father literally ordered me to drag you."

"Yeah... Yeah... Thanks sis." Given a choice, I rather stay here with Lily and Ella than go to that stupid event. "I'll make sure to attend that stupid ball."

"Don't kill the messenger. I rather do something else than kiss ass with those people."

I didn't even notice that Lisa disappeared. She must have Cleaned Ella up so she can tuck her to bed.

"I'll just go wash up. Make yourself at home."

"I'll plate the food. Come out when you're done and here." She gave me a bag. "It's from Jisoo. You should already know the content." I uttered a thanks before going to my room.

After I completed my shower, I took out the package from Jisoo and it revealed a midnight blue long black less gown. It was elegant yet simple. There were a little silver linings and designs. It was perfect. Also included was a pair of shoes. Jisoo and Rosé really did it.

Hanging at the back of my bedroom door were two sets of tux with a post attached. It was Irene's handwriting. The first tux was for the charity event while the second was for the school's ball. I noticed that she matched my tux with Lisa's dress. I smiled grateful for my sis she's really the best sister anyone could ask for... Except the teasing.

Lisa's POV

The sound of laughter echoed the room as I exited our bedroom. In the dining hall, the three were seated at the island table. "Hey Lily, you're just in time, come on let's eat."

I took a seat and we began eating. There were harmless teasing between the sisters but nothing offending. It was fun. I laughed a lot. Seulgi was a very funny person. She shared stories about her time as a patrol officer and how she became a detective. Jennie was so focused on her story that she barley touched her food.

"So then... Even with a broken shoulder, I tackled the 20lbs S.O.B to the ground." Seulgi boasted. "That's my first day on job."

"How did you decide to be a cop?" Jennie inquired. She was really into her stories.

"I've always loved mysteries and helping people... So I chose this profession." She answered, however, I noticed that she hesitated at first before she answer, it made me think that there's a deeper reason behind her chosen profession.

"Cool! I love crime shows! Maybe I'll be a cop too!"

"Oh no you won't! Don't you dare little sister." Irene interrupted. "You can't leave the family business to me? It's too big for me to handle alone!"

"You can do it sis!" She challenged. I'm sure the ending of this friendly banter won't be good so I changed the topic.

"Anyone wanted a dessert? I made an egg pudding with caramel syrup." I stood up to get the dessert from the fridge.

After dessert and coffee, the two left. Jennie offered to wash the dishes while I clean up the left overs. When we were done, she asked me to follow her to her room.

"Lily... This is for you..." She handed me the gown.

"What's this for?"

"For the school's ball. I knew that was what's holding you back... So I got you one. Please accept it."

"It's too much..."

"Think of it as a thanksgiving gift. Lily... You and Ella gave life to my boring existence. This gown is nothing compared to the joy that you two brought to my life. So please accept it." She begged. My heart melted at her words so I accepted the gift.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

I don't know what came into me but the next thing I know, I was cupping her face and leaning in for a Kiss.

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