Chapter 23

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Jennie's POV

"Come Jennie! Hurry up!" Ella yelled as she ran towards the pool in our condominium. "Hurry! Hurry!" I giggled as I walked towards her.

It was already the weekend and I promised my little princess to teach her how to swim after we watched a movie of barbie in which she was a mermaid. I even bought her a swim suit that closely matched Barbie's.

"Take it easy my princess. The pool isn't going anywhere."

"Ella..." Lily warned. "Jennie's still hurt remember?" The little girl then suddenly behaved. "Are you sure you can do it? You can always postpone."

"Take it easy on her and I'm fine. Look... You made her sad." I explained. "I'm okay... Don't worry... I won't let anything happen to her. I'll teach her at the children's pool." I assured.

"You're spoiling her too much."

"Oh yes I am..." Then I decided to tease her but held back. I liked to tease her about our future babies but then again, Ella's her child and the topic of conceiving might be sensitive. "You can probably lay on those cabanas while I teach Ella."

I saw Ella sitting on the tiles of the children's pool. She was playing with the water using her feet. "Hey there little mermaid! Are you ready to learn?"


"Let's get started then."

The children's pool was about two feet. It was enough to reach around Ella's neck. She won't drown unless something really bad happen.

"Okay Ella... Come on let's test the water. Is it too cold?" She shook her head no.

"Now the first thing I'm going to teach you is to float."


Lisa's POV

I watched in amusement as Ella and Jennie played in the pool. She was supposed to be teaching her how to swim but as I can see, they were just goofing around most of the time.

It was such a great view. Seeing them having fun made me realize one thing, I'm glad I opened up to Jennie. She was far from her reputation. My view regarding rich people also changed. They weren't as bad as I thought they were. Some have good hearts like Jennie and her sister Irene.

Jungkook was a good person too, but lately, he's been changing. He's been aloof and being alone with him scared me. I felt bad for rejecting him but we were just not meant to be. I only liked him as a friend or even as a brother.

"Ehem..." My deep thoughts was interrupted by an unwanted person. "The receptionist told me that I could find you all here. She let me in since this is a common area."

"Mrs. Smith..." I greeted the old and strict lady in front of me. I never thought that I'll be seeing her this soon. "I can't say that it's nice to meet you since every time I see you, I fear about Ella."

"Fair enough." She fixed her glasses and then took a seat beside me. "Look Ms. Manoban. I apologize if I scared you but I'm just looking out for the kids. It was more than a job for me. It was a passion." She explained in a deep but flat voice. "Me, myself was a victim of an irresponsible family. I had a little sister too and she died because I failed to protect her from our abusive father."

"I understand. But please be sure that I love Ella with all my heart and I won't let anything happen to her." I stated back.

"From this angle, they look like a mother and daughter. You're very lucky to have her in your life."

"Yes. Jennie's a great person. She's kind, caring, gentle and sweet. Ell and I were very lucky to have her." I honestly stated.

"I think I've seen enough so I'll let you off the hook but I'll be back." With that, she stood up and walked away.

Jennie's POV

After around two hours of playing and learning how to swim, the little bundle of joy was still full of energy while I started to get exhausted. My body has not fully recovered from the beatings.

"Do you think you can handle the pool? I'll just take a little rest."

"Yes!" But before I went out of the pool, I made sure to put the floaters on her arms for safety.

Lisa was as always buried deep in her book. I wonder what she's reading right now. "The water is great! You should join us."

"Where's Ella?" She inquired and I pointed to the children's pool. "Don't worry, she have a floater and we're just close by. Why don't you put your book down and take a swim."

"No it's okay... I'm good."

"Oh come on Lily, it's such a nice weather and the water's great. Or don't tell me you're afraid of the water coz you can't swim!" I challenge.

"I'm a good swimmer." She defended herself.

"Then? What's the problem?"

"I'm not properly dressed." She replied but I knew there was more to it than she was telling me.

Then, without notice, I threw her book away and carried her to the adult pool. "What are you doing? Put me down!" She squealed and her voice was so addicting. It was precious.

"Okay then... As you wish."

"Kyah!" She yelled as I threw her in the pool. It was just more than four feet so I knew she won't drown. "You're crazy!" She yelled as soon as she raises.

"Sorry..." I held a hand in order to help her out. She took it but then she suddenly have this evil grin. "Oh ohhh..." And as expected, she pulled me into the water.


"Oh really?" She ran away from me but with a few strokes, I managed to capture her and began to tickle her.

"Let me go... Hahaha... Stop it!"

"Say you're sorry..."

"I'm sorry! Please stop tickling!" She begged and I obeyed.

When our laughter subsided and we managed to catch our breath, I turned her around and snaked my hands to her waist while she looped her arms on my neck.

We both stared at each other's eyes as if we were looking deep in our souls. My stare lingered to her nose, then her lips. "Lily..."

"Hmm..." She hummed still staring at me.

"Can I kiss you?" She nodded and that was all I needed to finally lean forward to capture her lips.

She met me half way and when we were just millimeters away, a sudden splash interrupted our moment.

It was Ella. Who bravely jumped to the pool. She swam towards us with the help of her flaoters. "Jen! Unnie! Let's play!"

I really love this kid but at this moment, I'll probably prefer if she was asleep.

Way to ruin the moment kid.

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