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Jennie's POV

It was quite a night! I can't believe my parents actually did that! I always thought that they have accepted us but I guess I was wrong. Until now all they could think about was money, money and money.

Well, all this thinking was making my head hurts like a bitch... Well... Everything should be okay once i see Lily. Her sight alone could take all my pain away. But she's probably asleep by now. It was already the wee hour.

She was sitting on the couch when I walked in. Was she waiting for me? An evil smile formed on my face.

I moved closer and gently hugged her. I made sure to be careful and slow so that i won't freak her out. It might trigger some unwanted memories. "Are you waiting for me?"

She didn't say a word but handed me an I iPad which I instantly recognized. "It's Mino's iPad. He was looking everywhere for this.where did you find it?"

"Open it." Was her cold response.
Mino doesn't put a lock on this device because the guys keep borrowing it. I can't understand why don't they just buy one.

I froze at the first image that I saw. It was Lisa with the title 'The Bet'. I scrolled down and saw the girls that I've been with, with their own title. There's 'The Flirt', 'The Easy', 'Super Hot', and much more than that.

I thought I asked Mino to delete this!

"This is not what it looks like." I tried but failed. Lisa didn't want to look at me.

"It's obvious. I'm just a bet. So what did you win?"

"I didn't win anything! I called it off! Please believe me!"

"So there's really a bet!"

"Yes... But..." I was not able to explain further because I was cut off by a hard slap on the face. "Lily... Please let me explain."

"There's nothing to explain. It is what it is. I'm just a bet." She then walked towards their room. "Ella and I are leaving tomorrow. Thanks for your deception."

I ran after her and stopped her. "Don't be ridiculous! Where will you go? Stay! I'll leave!" I dropped her hand and pulled back, giving her space.

"This is your place, we should leave."

"Lily, please let me explain." I begged. And fortunately, she nodded and let me. "It started as a bet but then I backed out. I was ready to pay them off when they told me to forget about it because they knew that I'm falling for you. Lisa! I love you! Please forgive me, it was never my intention to hurt you. Please! I'm begging you." I kneeled down to emphasize my words.

"Would you even talk to me if it wasn't for the bet?"

Would I? I've set my eyes on her but I was too coward to act on it. "I don't know." A lone tear fell from her eyes and it hurts me to cause her pain. "I'm sorry."

"We are over." Those three words that I feared to hear the most.

She was about to retreat again but I stopped her, I cupped her face and looked directly into her eyes. "Lisa, I love you and I know you feel the same way." She tried go avoid my gaze but I didn't let her. "Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't feel the same way and I'll let you go. I'll never ever bother you again."

Lisa's POV

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't feel the same way and I'll let you go. I will never ever bother you again."

I can't say those words because I do feel the same way.

I love her.

I'm completely in love with her but she deceived me.

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