Chapter 15

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Jennie's POV

"What on earth is that?" Irene exclaimed the moment I stepped inside the room. Since the receptionist knew me in the elevator so that I could go to my unit. Luckily the baby had stopped crying so I was able to hide her in my jacket and hopefully she didn't notice. "Where the hell did you get that and why is it covered in blood?"

"It's a long story." I said as I walked around the room.

"Let me take it." Lisa said as she took the baby away.

"Her..." I corrected. "The baby's a girl, stop calling her 'it'."

"Okay, her... Relax." Irene replied. "You didn't steal her, did you?" I just shook my head.

Even though we were only in the seventh floor, the huge ball of flame were visible from my balcony. My sister might have noticed my stare. "It's all over the news. There were so many theories that the media was saying. There's no definite story yet." I then noticed that the TV was actually turned on. I scrolled in different channels but all I got were breaking news regarding the incident.

"So... Where did you find her?" Lisa asked while the baby started crying again. "Shhh..." She tried but it's not working.

"Maybe she is hungry or needs to change the diapers." My sister suggested taking the baby from Lisa.

"Since when you became a baby expert?" I teased her.

"Shut up." She placed the baby on the couch and slowly removed the blanket that was wrapped around her. "Her diapers need changing and she's probably hungry."

I picked up a discarded blanket and saw an insignia. It was some kind of lizard with the initials C and G written under it. Aside from the blood stains, the blanket have some burning marks. "Fuck...."

"Why?" They both asked.

"She's from the fire..." I said.

"What?" Again they said in unison.

"I'm not sure about this, but as I was passing an alley, there was a nurse or a woman dressed as a nurse. She was really hurt and before she died, she begged me to save the girl." I explained. "I didn't know what to do but run and obay since I heard some men trying to search for them." They both nodded in understanding but somehow looked at me strangely. "It all make since now. That baby must be from the Grecko Clan... Look..." I showed them the bloodied and burned blanket plus the initials. "What are we going to do?"

"If she's really with the Grecko Clan then that child as well as us are in danger." Irene said. Her tone and gaze became serious. She took a deep breath and massaged her forehead before I  continuing.

"What do you suggest we do?" I asked as I looked intensely at the still crying baby.

"We need to call the police." Lisa suggested.

"We can't." They both looked at me with a surprised expression. "The police won't be able to protect her. They'll just put her into the system. And worst, the men looking for her may be able to track her then kill her." I explained.

"So you want to keep her?" Irene asked.

"I want to but I can't. I'm not ready for that kind of responsibility." I sighed dejected. Part from me wanted to keep her but facing the responsibilities that comes with her held me back. I'm too young to be a parent. "I can't even take care of myself... How can I take care of another human being. Besides, she needed a family that will surely love and take care of her."

"Don't worry Jen, I'll take care of her. I know a couple that have been trying for years but wasn't successful."

"Do I know them?"

"You probably heard of them or met them in one of the functions you rarely attend. They are the Cabbotts. They were old friends of mine from college but they were two years older. Isabella, her now husband Anthony and I were both in the debate team. They got married after college and have been trying to have a baby. They have been talking about adoption. They were good people. I can assure you." I nodded in understanding at my sister's explanation. Even though she always tried to tease me or get into my nerve, I knew it was her way to show me that she cared. Besides, she's a people person and a good judge of character so I knew I can trust her.

"Can you call them now?"

"Yeah I will, but in the main time, why don't you and Lisa head to the store to buy some baby stuff. I'm sure Lisa should be knowledgeable enough to get what was needed." I looked at Lisa and she just nodded. I was confused cause of my sister's comment but then I remembered Ella. With her father gone in the wind and unreliable mother, it was up to her to raise Ella.

"Come on Lily, let's get her stuff before she wakes Ella up."

Lisa's POV

Jennie parked her truck as we arrived at the store not far from her place. The whole ride was silent and awkward. There was a heavy aura and tension that surrounded her truck.

"I'm sorry." She stated.

"For what?" I asked confused. As far as I remember, she haven't done anything to me.

"I shouldn't have walked out earlier. If I hadn't then we won't be in this mess."

"It's okay. Besides, if you didn't do that then that child would be probably dead by now." I was about to exit the truck but then I noticed that it was still locked. "We need to get her stuff."

"Oh yeah... Sorry." She unlocked the doors and we went I the store.

The store was fairly large for a mini-market. And since it was already late, the place was almost deserted, except for the staffs and some shoppers. I took a cart and proceed to walk towards the baby section.

"So what do we need?"

"Some diapers, milk and bottles." I told her the basics. "We could also get her a onesie so she won't be cold, some wet wipes, and some baby toys."

"Was it hard?" She asked out of the blue. But I can't comprehend her question. She must have sensed my confusion so she said. "Raising a child...was it hard?"

I didn't really know how to react to her question. I wanted to lash out remembering ordeal. Was it hard? It was hell... But at the same time it gave me life. "I was just 15. I needed to stop going to school to take care of her. I had no mother or father to support her. Now you answer me if it was hard." I felt instant guilt at my answer. I should have handled it better but the pain returned.

"I'm sorry."

"No... I'm sorry. It's not your fault." I told her.

"Err... I'll check the diapers over there... Can you get the milk?" She said. Trying to change the topic. I nodded and headed to the milk section.

This day was really exhausting. We started the day great but ended up in a complicated situation. A child's life was depending on us. And as I thought that our day couldn't get any worse, I was wrong.

As I checked the baby milk, a tall figure suddenly stood beside me. "Hello Pranpriya." He said in his deep and raspy voice. My body froze and I dropped the milk that I was holding. "It's been a while. Did you miss me?" He said while I stood frozen in my place. I don't even have the energy to speak. Flashes of images assaulted my memory. My knees weakened and the last thing I remember before I blacked out was hearing Jennie's voice calling for me...

I'm so sorry for not updating for's just I become so busy with some matters..I'll try my best to post and finish this as soon as possible....After finishing this story I will continue with other stories..sorry again🫥

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